Monday, January 31, 2011

Templates For Community Service

Rain animals is a special meteorological phenomenon, which is the fall from the sky in many animals, often of a single species. This atypical precipitation may or may not be accompanied by common rain. The phenomenon has occurred in many regions throughout history. There have been testimonies of the at various times and countries, which has given rise to many legends and controversies.

Most often, these "showers" are composed of fish or frogs, but there are stories that mention some species of birds. Sometimes the rain is so violent, that animals have just smashed on the floor. Sometimes the animals survive the coup, particularly fish, which suggests that the interval between his departure and return to the soil is relatively short. Some witnesses described rains of frogs, where the animals are intact after its fall. Sometimes animals fall completely frozen, or are trapped within blocks of ice; showing that before he fell, his height was very high, where the temperature was below 0 ° C.

In ancient literature there are many testimonies of animals rain or showers of various objects, some of them organic.

could be traced to ancient Egypt, if there is validity to the Egyptian papyrus Alberto Tulli (whose very existence is controversial) and it is said that strange phenomena would register with the emergence of what the UFO literature interpreted as a UFO. More particularly, there is also the decline of fish and birds of the sky. The Bible tells how Joshua and his army were aided by a shower of stones falling on the Amorite army. The Bible presents other celestial interventions such as the appearance of frogs, one of the Ten Plagues of Egypt (Exodus 8, 5, 6). In the fourth century C., the Greek author Athenaeus mentions a rain of fish which lasted three days in the region of Chaeronea, in the Peloponnese. In the first century, the writer and naturalist Pliny the Elder described the shower of pieces of flesh, blood and other animals such as wool. Finally, in the Middle Ages, the frequency of the phenomenon in certain regions has led people to believe that fish and adults born in heaven, and then fell into the sea.

Thanks to the press at the time have generated many modern testimony, witnessed by a large number of people, which increases their reliability. Here are some examples:

In 1578, large yellow mice fell on the Norwegian city of Bergen.

As a John Collinge, a rain of frogs hit the English village of Acle, Norfolk. The landlord of the place withdrew hundreds.

On July 11, 1836, a professor of Cahors sent a letter to the French Academy of Sciences, saying
This cloud thundered on the road, some sixty yards from where we were. Two gentlemen who came to Toulouse, our destiny, and who were exposed the storm, were forced to wear their coats, but the storm surprised and scared, and who were victims of a rain of toads! Sped and hastened his departure, to find the coach told us what had happened to them. Then I saw the tossing their coats in front of us, young frogs fell.

fragment of the letter M. Pontus, a professor of Cahors, addressed to M. Arago.

February 16, 1861, Singapore City suffered an earthquake, followed by three days of heavy rain. After the end of the rains, the Singaporeans were in the pools there were thousands of fish. Some of them claimed to have seen them fall from the sky, but others were more reserved in giving his testimony. When the waters receded, there were other fish in ponds that had dried up, notably in places that had experienced flooding.

Scientific American magazine recorded a report of a snake shower that reached about 45 cm) in Memphis on January 15, 1877. In the U.S., there were more than fifteen reports of rains of animals, only in the nineteenth century.

in June 1880 struck down a shower of quail on Valencia (Spain).

On September 7, 1953, thousands of frogs fell from the sky over Leicester, Massachusetts, USA.

In 1968, Brazilian newspapers reported a flurry of flesh and blood, over a relatively large area. Canarios

fell dead in the city of St. Mary's City, Maryland (United States) in January 1969. According to the Washington Post on January 26 that year, the flight of the canaries stopped suddenly, as if there was an explosion that nobody saw or heard.

In 1978, rained crabs in New South Wales, Australia.

In 2002, it rained fish in Greece. The newspaper Le Monde wrote:
Athens is not always beautiful, and even less so are the mountains of northern Greece. But storms have sometimes taste of help to smile and dream. On Tuesday, hundreds of small fish have rained in the village of Korona, in the high mountains

Pierre Georges. "Poissons Volente 'article in Le Monde, December 13, 2002

In 2007, small spiders rained in Salta, Argentina.

In 2007, small frogs rained in El Rebolledo (Alicante, Spain).

On August 1, 2008, in Choco (Colombia) rained blood, but this fact is attributed to several causes, including animal rain.

In 2008, fish and frogs rained on Benigánim Taperal (Spain).

A tornado may be responsible for capturing animals and drop them at great distances from their place of origin.

Contrary to most of his contemporary colleagues, the French physicist André-Marie Ampère felt that the testimony of rains of animals were real. Ampère attempted to explain the rain of frogs with a hypothesis that was later accepted and refined by scientists. Before the Society of Natural Sciences, Ampère argued that in certain times of the toads and frogs roam the countryside in large numbers, and that the action of strong winds can capture and move long distances.

More recently, he appeared scientific explanation of the phenomenon, involving the waterspouts. Indeed, the winds that swirl below the meteor are able to capture objects and animals, through a combination of depression in the whirlwind, and the force exerted by winds directed towards it.

Consequently, these downpours, or even tornadoes, transported the animals to relatively large heights, must travel long distances. The winds can pick up the animals on a relatively large area, and drop in mass and concentrate on points located. More specifically, some tornadoes and waterspouts may dry out completely a pond, to drop further from the water and wildlife contained in it, as "rain animals."

This hypothesis appears confirmed by its animal nature of these rains: small and light, usually arising from the aquatic environment such as frogs and fish. It is also reassuring that, often, the rain of animals is preceded by a storm. However, there are some details that could not be explained. For example, sometimes the animals are still alive even after the fall, and some of them in perfect condition. Another aspect is that normally each animal rain occurs with one species at a time, rarely mixing and other plants including algae. As noted by William R. Corliss:
... the transport mechanism, whatever its nature, prefer to select a single species of fish or frog, or that animal that is on the menu
This apparent anomaly could be explained in the case of birds, if the tornado passing through a particular flock is in full flight, especially in EPO cas migration. The image at right shows a specific example where a group of bats is a victim of a storm. The image was captured by a weather radar from the National Weather Service in Del Rio, Texas, and illustrates how you can predict the phenomenon in some cases. In the image, bats are in the red zone, which corresponds to the winds away from the radar (the radar is the white dot in the lower right corner) and enter the mesocyclone associated with a tornado (in green). Such events often occur with birds inevitably.

In some cases, different causes have been argued for some alleged rains of fish. For example, in the case of rain fish in Singapore in 1861, the French naturalist Francis de Laporte de Castelnau explains that the shower took place during a cat-fish migration and that these animals are able to crawl on the ground, to go from one pool to another, such as eels, which can travel several kilometers in wet meadows, or pike to be played in the flooded fields. It also explains the fact of having seen the fish on the floor immediately after the rain is not just a coincidence because these animals normally move on the ground wet with dew, or after a shower or a flood.

long time, science has discarded many of the explanations that are offered, for considering them exaggerated, unreliable or not verifiable. In 1859, a witness to a rain of fish in the village of Mountain Ash (Wales) sent a specimen to London Zoo. JE Gray, director of the British Museum, said that "the light of the facts, it is likely that it is a joke: one of the employees of Mr. Nixon has been cast over a bucket full of fish, and the latter thought he fell from the sky. "

course, the rains of animals were without scientific explanation for a long time, while evolving scenarios ranging from logical attempts to explain the phenomenon, to the absurd. In the fourth century C., the Greek philosopher Theophrastus denied the existence of showers of frogs, explaining simply that toads do not fall during the rain, but the latter makes them leave the land. In the sixteenth century, Reginald Scot ventured to give a hypothesis. According to him, "it is true that some creatures are spontaneously generated, and do not need parents. For example [...] these frogs coming out of nowhere. They were transported by rain. These creatures are born of showers ...». In the nineteenth century, it was thought that evaporation of water frog eggs led to the clouds, where they hatch and fell to earth in a shower.

Among the non-scientific explanations of the phenomenon, paranormal interpretations are claiming extraterrestrial interventions. In fact, there are also authors who describe these visitors by collecting large numbers of animals as ballast, and then dropping them before leaving our planet. Rains of blood and flesh would be linked to a selection made by visitors, to lighten their stores.

supernatural explanations also exist, which may be religious in nature. Depending on the type of object or animal that falls to earth, the phenomenon is perceived either as a punishment, as in the case of the stones that fell on the Amorite army in the Old Testament, or as a providential sign of divine goodness, when it comes to food animals.

also in the same line of speculation, it suggests the existence of anomalies in the space-time that would bring animals from other dimensions. These explanations often use teleportation, to explain why animals are where they should not be. Charles Hoy Fort journalist has developed these ideas. According to Fort, in the past there was a force capable of transporting objects instantly, which is only evident in disordered actions, and rains of fish. Fort Another suggestion is based on the alleged existence of a 'superior sea of \u200b\u200bSargasso, "a kind of deposit sucking and spitting celestial terrestrial objects.

"It's raining cats and dogs"

This English expression which means literally "raining cats and dogs', and is equivalent to the English 'pour' reference is perhaps the best known of the phenomenon found in everyday language. This expression is first written in the book A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, Jonathan Swift, 1731. However, the origin of the term is uncertain. One speculation is that it is an archaic French catadoupe distortion, which means 'shower' or 'cascade'. Another speculation says that in the Middle Ages, heavy rains cleaned the roofs of dead dogs and cats, making them fall in the streets.

There are expressions in other languages \u200b\u200bin the same way they refer to heavy animals, but If no evidence exists that these statements are based on reality. In German, for example, can be said that "rain puppies [dog]" (It regnet junge Hunde) and in Polish "raining frogs" (Leje zabami).

more complete documentation on the rains of animals, is due to the American journalist Charles Hoy Fort, who devoted his life to the unexplained phenomena. The New York Public Library holds more than sixty thousand cards written by Fort, which largely relates to cases of animal rain. Fortean Society, created in his honor, continues the search for strange and unexplained phenomena.

Paul Thomas Anderson, American film director and supporter of Fort, based some of the sequences of the film Magnolia in the events reported by Fort, including a rain of frogs. In Le Dernier Combat, the first feature by France's Luc Besson, the presence of a rain of fish, as well as in the films The Avengers, Jeremiah Chechik, adapted from the television series and Wonderful World of Joshua Goldin.

Been In the book, the writer Colette describes a warm rain of frogs:
The last cloud, and I was taking a bath seat, Antoine layer soaked and full of water, warm water, 18 or 20 degrees . And when Antoine turned what layer we? Tiny frogs live, at least thirty brought by air, by a quirk of the south by a hot whirlwind, one of those tornadoes which includes base and raise a hundred miles a mixture of sand, grains, insects ... In

Captain Panfilo, the writer Alexandre Dumas, a rain of frogs appear in the newspapers, which causes a frenzy at the home of one of the characters:
... remembered reading, a few days before, signed by Valenciennes, that this city was the scene of a singular phenomenon: a rain of frogs had fallen accompanied by thunder and lightning, in such quantities that the city streets and roofs of houses had been covered. Immediately afterward, the sky, which was two hours before a gray ash was now blue indigo. The Constitutionnel subscriber looked into the air, and seeing the sky black as ink and Tom in the garden, unable to realize the way he had entered, he began to believe that a phenomenon similar to that of Valenciennes was about to repeat itself, with the only difference being that instead of rain of frogs, bears going to rain. One was no more dangerous than the other, the hail was bigger and more dangerous

Alexandre Dumas: Captain Panfilo Chapter VIII30

In 2002, in his novel Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami uses the Japanese the phenomenon of rain of fish within a fictional context, mixing the Bildungsroman with the supernatural.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dual Cooling System Dvd Staples


Fading away (last gasp). In Spain known as "The last moments" of Henry Peach Robinson. Photographic composition
from five negatives, 1858, belongs to the collection of George Eastman, Rochester, New York.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Flat White Circles On Skin


Iker Jimenez Cuarto Milenio presented in the case of "a man who wanted to remove the Soviet Union History of a stroke. "Let's make it a well-deserved tribute," he announced. The mystery had investigated Gerardo Pelaez, one of his partners in the program for four-and illustrated with a portrait of Ivan Istochnikov cosmonaut in spacesuit , a photo with his colleagues at the Kremlin and a later in which he had removed, among other images.

"The question is why (he was cleared), which had made this man, why bother," said Jiménez. "He embarked on a mission that was devastating failure for the USSR and, of course, that could not disclose," said Pelaez. Istochnikov was "well known" in the USSR according to the two journalists, and disappeared in 1968 aboard the Soyuz 2. To hide the failure, was erased from history: he removed the photos, his family was deported to Siberia, and their friends and colleagues, silenced.

The case, explained in the fourth millennium, came to light in 1993 when a journalist bought at an auction at Sotheby's in New York a lot with declassified material from the USSR. "And there she discovers the man, who I think was called Mike Arena, a picture with the ghost in the flesh, this," said Jimenez, who concluded: "The truth is that this man (cosmonaut) does not appear in official photographs and I was there. " Impressive ... and false because Istochnikov Ivan is as real as Donald Duck.

The official story says that the Russian space flight Soyuz 2 was an unmanned spacecraft that was launched into orbit with the objective of the Soyuz 3 docked with it, but Georgi Beregovoi, the crew of the latter, it was not capable of engaging in spite of a meter closer to the Soyuz 2.

However, an alternate history collection in various media, websites and emails, says that in fact aboard the Soyuz 2 were Colonel Ivan Istochnikov and a dog named Kloka, and both mysteriously disappeared while the ship was in orbit without ever having been made find out the reason for the disappearance and what happened to them.

space race in full by the Russian authorities would have wanted to silence this issue at all costs, and more after the death of Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov at the controls of the Soyuz 1, which proceeded to eliminate any reference to their participation in this mission and rewriting the records so that the official version became that Istochnikov have died due to disease months before the mission. Family, friends and colleagues have been isolated, blackmailed and generally required to maintain secrecy.

Although Russian authorities initially seemed to get away with it, eventually there of Istochnikov have ended up coming to light incidentally during the acquisition by American journalist Michael Arena, the Russian space program material at auction as the item purchased by the writings and photographs included perriodista Giorgi Beregovoi, the crew Soyuz 3, and between the photographs was one that particularly caught his attention because she Arena run six astronauts, instead of the five that appear in the version "official" photo. Picado

interest, Arena went to investigate, and aided by weather information openness of perestroika, he managed to bring to light the true story of the flight of the Soyuz 2, as can be read on the website of the Sputnik Foundation, an organization dedicated to exposing the secrets of the Soviet space program, an organization that is a member of Michael Arena ...

But the only problem is that this second story is completely false, since Istochinikov both as photos and texts that accompany the story are nothing more than an elaborate creation of Joan Fontcuberta, who convinced the ability of computers to manipulate the image and with this "reality" traveled to Russia to document and take photos then used as "evidence" once suitably altered.

In fact, Istochnikov face in the photographs is that of Fontcuberta own, and even the meaning of the name of the cosmonaut is a clue that it is all an elaborate hoax, and that means about the same as Fontcuberta, ie hidden or covered source.

The end result of all this work was presented in Madrid in 1997 in an exhibition called "Sputnik: The Odyssey of the Soyuz 2 ', an exhibition that has gone then will travel to many parts of the world and catching more than a clueless because although the Sputnik Foundation website can be read, yes, red on red-


many people do not realize this and history has been given as true in many places, media and internet, which seems to have a good time to Fontcuberta, who is dedicated to collecting press clippings about it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Usi Mainboard Treiber


Ostalgie is a German term used to refer to the nostalgia of life at the time of the former German Democratic Republic. An acronym for the words Ost (East) and Nostalgie (nostalgia).

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and German reunification the following year, the largest part of the memories of the socialist period were eliminated, while citizens of the GDR were integrated into the Western economic and cultural system. At first, the marks of the GDR products disappeared from the shops to be replaced by western brands, regardless of the quality of each other.

However, as time passed, some East Germans began to feel nostalgia for certain aspects of their lives during the socialist era that no longer exist under capitalism. In particular, concerns Ostalgie nostalgia for aspects of culture and daily life in the GDR disappeared after the Reunification.

Among the multitude of designs own country there are two that stand out as their favorite landmarks:

Ampelmännchen ▶ (German for "man of light") is a figure representing a man with a hat typical of the lights at pedestrian crossings of the former Republic East Germany. The red Ampelmännchen extends his arms outstretched to indicate the prohibition of crossing, while green is taking a step forward, indicating that the transition is allowed. After German reunification became a popular icon on a multitude of tourist souvenirs.

Ampelmännchen The first was officially installed in Berlin and l October 13th, 1961, in an era in which the public and media interest focused more on the existence of new traffic lights in its design. The first bumper Ampelmännchen were cheap. Since 1973, traffic began to Ampelmann VEB Signaltechnik manufactured in small manufacturing Wildenfels and private. The figure has become so popular that parents and teachers began using the symbol to convey to children road safety education concepts. The Ministry of Interior of the GDR had the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving life to Ampelmann educational purposes in the early 80's. The doll appeared in comic situations related to traffic lights. The red Ampelmännchen did at times dangerous and green gave advice. In collaboration with the newspaper Junge Welt, developed games featuring the light man, who also became a star of radio stories. Public television aired once a month featuring the animated stories Ampelmann und Kompaßkalle Stiefelchen calls, the issue took place within the Sandmännchen successful children's program. Ampelmännchen animated stories raised international interest and were awarded in the Czech film festival driver education. ▶

Trabant is an automobile produced low-cost by the manufacturer VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau, Saxony. Was once the most common vehicle in East Germany and is also exported to other countries even outside the Communist bloc.

His body was with phenol (phenolic resin) and its engine, two cylinder two stroke. Had space for four adults and luggage, was compact, lightweight and durable.

Of the few models of cars that East Germans had access, the Trabant was the cheapest (about 10,000 DM East). To buy a Trabant had to sign a list and wait 10 years ... or go to the black market.

The German name Trabant means "fellow traveler" is popularly called Trabbi.

was discontinued in 1991, after which production became unsustainable and dependent on subsidies from the German government.

Here you have a page where you can see the design of the GDR in various articles of everyday life:

Spiegel Online

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who Makes Driglo Nappies


A mourner was
a woman who was paid to go to mourn at the funeral of a person. The word comes from planar (sob) and it's Latin plangere.

mention is made of these women from time immemorial. To express in a more energetic the desolation that was causing devastation to the Jewish people of Judea, the prophet Jeremiah says that the God of Israel commanded his people to come crying to him under the name means lamentatrices.

This use of the Hebrew people went to other nations and over all, remained among the Greeks and Romans.

latter praefica gave the name of the principal of each train of mourners because it was she who presided over the wailing and giving their partners the tone of sadness that suited according to the class of the deceased.

The mourners were veiled and wore a glass that reflected the blades shed.

These vessels called lachrymatory carefully locked themselves inside the box where you deposited the ashes of the deceased.

As mourners but not hired for funerals of the rich, why not get into lachrymatory vessels in the polls for the poor to prove to the posterity that no death was mourned at his funeral.

They are representations of mourners from Egyptian art became characteristic representations in tombs, especially during the Gothic period.

currently uses this term to refer any person who cries a lot for no reason. Also, sometimes, painful.

culture of the mourners is widely used in the Colombian Caribbean coast, where it is still widely used culture of paying women to cry at the funeral of a person.

Angela's 40-year career devoted to prayer. Started to do to pump an extra support when her husband died and left him yet.

His office is to meet the measures of death, she says: "I go to the doctor, played agony in the Church, then go to court and City Hall.

papers also took him to cure so you can bury the dead within 24 hours of death. "

She does not cry, he says, well if you whine, argue, people could not follow it the prayers:" I have to pray well, with the voice that God has given me. "wage gains

Angela Little with his job, especially since insurers have stopped covering the expenses of the sentences:" before any insurance covered it at one point saying, according to customs of the people but now not all of them, who wants to call me on their own. "

Its direct competition is Holy, the representative of a major insurance company in the town of Casar de Cáceres, where the two engaged.

Sacra explained that many people do not want to go to the funeral prayer leader "insurance covers everything and you do not need her to do the paperwork, I do, and also most people have insurance. Every one who prays to their dead. " Angela

A paid between 20 and 30 euros per funeral, the prayer leader says little money: "I have a higher pension if I could not live.

You think, this month has died just a how I live to 20 euros. And even if they die seven. "

She calls the will and some people more generous but also those who just do not care, "many do not give me more than ten euros. Of course I can not live like this."

Facunda, prayers, exercises Campanario (Badajoz), she never has needed the money so the gift you give to pray at funerals and burials delivers it to the parish, "he was before and I got charged but not accepting people bring me money or gifts to the house.

So I finally decided to take it and give it to the parish.

such agreement with the priest. " Facunda just passed the sixty-four years has only been doing, she said, by Catholic vocation.

also admits that he cries at some funerals, especially in young people: "Yes, but softly crying.

The public cries. Yes, yes it is well. In a way the reasons and prayer leader of today are the mourners and mourners have gathered yesterday that the witness.

It is encouraging to tears, say the inhabitants of Garrovillas, the location is better documented the existence of mourners.

José María Velaz, historian Caceres said the Church has forbidden for the first time in the eighteenth century by the scandal at the temples arming "can to be seen as heretical," says Velaz.
design comes
plangere Latin meaning mourn or whine, or weeping mourners wept for money but, according to experts, the gesture had a therapeutic effect people to vent and mourn the loss.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wearing Tights And A Leotard


The Golden Dawn was founded by Samuel Mathers in England in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, more precisely in 1887.

His introduction was inspired by the English Rosicrucian Society, founded 20 years earlier by Robert Wentworth Little, whose members were recruited from the Master Masons. This latter company was made up of 194 members, one of whom was Bulwer Lytton, author of "The Last Days of Pompeii." Lytton, brilliant scholar, did not expect his novel inspired several decades later and in Germany a group mystical pre-Nazi. However, in other works such as "The race will supplant us" or "Zanoni" emphasized spiritual realities of the world and particularly of the infernal world. Through the fictional tales expressed his certainty that there are beings endowed with superhuman powers, beings and lead to supplant the human race elected a formidable mutation.

This idea of \u200b\u200b"Unknown Superiors" is found in all black mystic East and West, underground and people come from other planets. Giants such as those mentioned HP Lovecraft in his works, another writer who is believed to belong to the Golden Dawn, next to Arthur Machen.

The very founder of the Golden Dawn, Samuel Mathers claimed to be in relation to the "Unknown Superiors" and have made contact with them in the company of his mother, sister of the philosopher Henri Bergson.

We quote a passage from the manifesto to the "Members of the Second Order", written in 1896: "With reference to these Heads Secrets to which I refer and which I have received the wisdom of the Second Order, nothing I can say. I do not know even their names terrestrial and have seen only very rarely in your physical body ... We are physically pre-determined times and places. In my view, are human beings living on this Earth, but they have terrible and superhuman powers ... "

The Golden Dawn, still smaller than was to Rosicrucian practice of ceremonial magic, occultism and initiations in various Masonic lodges, in order to gain powers and secret knowledge. Their heads were primitive Woodman, Mathers and Wynn Westcott, who led the Golden Dawn oiled keep contacts with members of the Anthroposophical Movement of Rudolf Steiner and influential movements of pre Nazi period.

For example, Robert Wentworth Lyttle (Soc. Rosicrucian English) as well as influence the Golden Dawn, from the beginning of its creation, was in contact with the German Rosicrucians, among others Dr. Willy Ley, who had made Berlin a secret society called "The Luminous Lodge" or "Vril Society." She came into contact with Karl Haushoffer that, along with Dietrich Eckardt, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler formed the "Thule Society."

The Golden Dawn after their leader was Aleister Crowley, one of the greatest exponents of neo-paganism, whose tracks will also find in Germany.

But after the death of Woodman and the withdrawal of Wescott, SL Mathers was the grand master of the Golden Dawn, who directed some time from Paris, where he had married the daughter of Henri Bergson (ie his cousin).

Mathers was replaced as head of the Society by the poet WB Yeats, who later receive Nobel Prize (which we recommend reading one of his key works: "One Vision"). Yeats took the name of "Frere Demon est Deus Inversus." Chairing meetings and leading Scottish kilt wearing a black mask and a gold dagger in his belt.

Arthur Machen, chose above for choosing the name of "Filus Aquarti." Also a

woman was affiliated with the Golden Dawn: Florence Farr, theater director and close friend of Bernard Shaw. Also belonged to this Society many writers: Blackwood, Bram Stoker, author of "Dracula" Sax Rohmer, Peck, astronomer royal of Scotland, the celebrated engineer Allan Bennett, Sir Gerald Kelly, president of the Royal Academy, John Buchan, author of singular revelations about ties between the pan-Germanism and Islamic messianism, Hermann Hesse, etc, etc.

who brings real curious fact is Jean Parvulesco, exemplary character, but exceptional. This is what was said, in his words: "The Fellowship of the Golden Dawn Hermetic in outside the country remains without a doubt, the spiritual group influence and control hidden, from Great Britain, but also from France, in default further progress invisible twentieth century world history . Indeed, although, for reasons obscure, the Imperator of the Golden Dawn on the outside, Samuel Liddel Mathers way from Paris and how the iron hand of fellowship tight places, the truly fundamental character of the "control group" more intense which Mathers himself had received his powers was a very mysterious German named Anna Sprengel ("the more beautiful of the century") was defined Aristide Briand, who was not less. In fact, everything happened as if Ana Sprengel was really the only holder of the "ultimate power" and above all, the secrecy of the proceedings and kept (...) that allowed direct contact with the Unknown Superiors of the Golden Dawn in the Outer, the Foreign Intelligence, the Great Lords of identity "galactic" or "interstellar" whose abode "suprapolar" lies far beyond the conceivable limits of this world. "

Beyond the mystical or esoteric, striking and interesting is how, over time are woven more than one story. It is "parallel stories" of "parallel worlds". Note the following: Britain, Germany's enemy in the political scenario of the two World Wars, agreed at the esoteric, metaphysical or metapolitical deep partnerships with whom the sight of all the world was his opponent, Germany.

Since entering politics geopolitical bid two concepts: on one hand the "Atlantic", whose best example is Great Britain, Queen of the seas and trade, and on the other, the "Continental", best represented by the former Soviet Union, now Russia. Hitler commits a fatal error during transcurso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que para muchos fue inexplicable. Tras violar el pacto de no - agresión a la Unión Soviética invade con tropas alemanas territorio soviético. Ni el propio Stalin puede creerlo. ¿A qué se debió semejante decisión? Tal vez siga siendo un enigma, o tal vez haya obedecido a la influencia que Gran Bretaña insufló encubiertamente en Hitler, en reuniones ocultas llevadas a cabo por emisarios británicos en el mismo corazón de la Golden Dawn, que a su vez mantenía ligazones muy profundas con rosacruces alemanes y miembros de la Sociedad Thule y la Anhenerbe, en las que en más de una ocasión, el Führer fue partícipe.

Estas y otras son las tramas secret that is woven back into the world, but they are no longer the most decisive in the evolution of humanity. They have fought and continue fighting wars hidden. Faceless beings decide the future of the world. Demigods, who over time have accumulated enough power to decide over life and death of millions of people.

these secret societies, large or small, branched or not, connected or disconnected, active or as larvae are neither more nor less than a clear manifestation of the "other world" of "a parallel world," another dimension " , but insert in ours.