Let us go with the blues. A little over twenty-five years, the most fortunate could enjoy a game that was revolutionary in its time. It was a pink box called Dungeons & Dragons. It was, however, in English, in an era where English was a language as common as it may be now, but want to play and popularity in the United States reached mainly made quickly translated into Castilian.

Red Box Dungeons & Dragons, so called for its distinctive color, caused many of the 80 youths had their first contact with your imagination, learn to interact with more people in an environment of friendship and cooperation and laid the foundation of what today is one of the pillars of the world not only English but playful world: Dungeons & Dragons. Coinciding
with these 25 years, a new edition of the legendary Red Box goes on sale in the hands of Devir. Adapted to current times, is the best way to delve into the exciting world of Dungeons & Dragons, and only need the box, and a couple of friends to get to play and enjoy themselves.
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