The Golden Dawn was founded by Samuel Mathers in England in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, more precisely in 1887.
His introduction was inspired by the English Rosicrucian Society, founded 20 years earlier by Robert Wentworth Little, whose members were recruited from the Master Masons. This latter company was made up of 194 members, one of whom was Bulwer Lytton, author of "The Last Days of Pompeii." Lytton, brilliant scholar, did not expect his novel inspired several decades later and in Germany a group mystical pre-Nazi. However, in other works such as "The race will supplant us" or "Zanoni" emphasized spiritual realities of the world and particularly of the infernal world. Through the fictional tales expressed his certainty that there are beings endowed with superhuman powers, beings and lead to supplant the human race elected a formidable mutation.
This idea of \u200b\u200b"Unknown Superiors" is found in all black mystic East and West, underground and people come from other planets. Giants such as those mentioned HP Lovecraft in his works, another writer who is believed to belong to the Golden Dawn, next to Arthur Machen.
The very founder of the Golden Dawn, Samuel Mathers claimed to be in relation to the "Unknown Superiors" and have made contact with them in the company of his mother, sister of the philosopher Henri Bergson.
We quote a passage from the manifesto to the "Members of the Second Order", written in 1896: "With reference to these Heads Secrets to which I refer and which I have received the wisdom of the Second Order, nothing I can say. I do not know even their names terrestrial and have seen only very rarely in your physical body ... We are physically pre-determined times and places. In my view, are human beings living on this Earth, but they have terrible and superhuman powers ... "
The Golden Dawn, still smaller than was to Rosicrucian practice of ceremonial magic, occultism and initiations in various Masonic lodges, in order to gain powers and secret knowledge. Their heads were primitive Woodman, Mathers and Wynn Westcott, who led the Golden Dawn oiled keep contacts with members of the Anthroposophical Movement of Rudolf Steiner and influential movements of pre Nazi period.
For example, Robert Wentworth Lyttle (Soc. Rosicrucian English) as well as influence the Golden Dawn, from the beginning of its creation, was in contact with the German Rosicrucians, among others Dr. Willy Ley, who had made Berlin a secret society called "The Luminous Lodge" or "Vril Society." She came into contact with Karl Haushoffer that, along with Dietrich Eckardt, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler formed the "Thule Society."
The Golden Dawn after their leader was Aleister Crowley, one of the greatest exponents of neo-paganism, whose tracks will also find in Germany.
But after the death of Woodman and the withdrawal of Wescott, SL Mathers was the grand master of the Golden Dawn, who directed some time from Paris, where he had married the daughter of Henri Bergson (ie his cousin).
Mathers was replaced as head of the Society by the poet WB Yeats, who later receive Nobel Prize (which we recommend reading one of his key works: "One Vision"). Yeats took the name of "Frere Demon est Deus Inversus." Chairing meetings and leading Scottish kilt wearing a black mask and a gold dagger in his belt.
Arthur Machen, chose above for choosing the name of "Filus Aquarti." Also a
woman was affiliated with the Golden Dawn: Florence Farr, theater director and close friend of Bernard Shaw. Also belonged to this Society many writers: Blackwood, Bram Stoker, author of "Dracula" Sax Rohmer, Peck, astronomer royal of Scotland, the celebrated engineer Allan Bennett, Sir Gerald Kelly, president of the Royal Academy, John Buchan, author of singular revelations about ties between the pan-Germanism and Islamic messianism, Hermann Hesse, etc, etc.

Beyond the mystical or esoteric, striking and interesting is how, over time are woven more than one story. It is "parallel stories" of "parallel worlds". Note the following: Britain, Germany's enemy in the political scenario of the two World Wars, agreed at the esoteric, metaphysical or metapolitical deep partnerships with whom the sight of all the world was his opponent, Germany.
Since entering politics geopolitical bid two concepts: on one hand the "Atlantic", whose best example is Great Britain, Queen of the seas and trade, and on the other, the "Continental", best represented by the former Soviet Union, now Russia. Hitler commits a fatal error during transcurso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que para muchos fue inexplicable. Tras violar el pacto de no - agresión a la Unión Soviética invade con tropas alemanas territorio soviético. Ni el propio Stalin puede creerlo. ¿A qué se debió semejante decisión? Tal vez siga siendo un enigma, o tal vez haya obedecido a la influencia que Gran Bretaña insufló encubiertamente en Hitler, en reuniones ocultas llevadas a cabo por emisarios británicos en el mismo corazón de la Golden Dawn, que a su vez mantenía ligazones muy profundas con rosacruces alemanes y miembros de la Sociedad Thule y la Anhenerbe, en las que en más de una ocasión, el Führer fue partícipe.
Estas y otras son las tramas secret that is woven back into the world, but they are no longer the most decisive in the evolution of humanity. They have fought and continue fighting wars hidden. Faceless beings decide the future of the world. Demigods, who over time have accumulated enough power to decide over life and death of millions of people.
these secret societies, large or small, branched or not, connected or disconnected, active or as larvae are neither more nor less than a clear manifestation of the "other world" of "a parallel world," another dimension " , but insert in ours.
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