Thursday, March 24, 2011

Does Cake Mate Decorating Icing Expire

Mario Vargas Llosa: Why

Mazeyres For Orlando Guillén
In The perpetual orgy, Mario Vargas Llosa essay (MVLL) devotes to his French master Gustave Flaubert and Madame Bovary, the novelist says Arequipa " a handful of literary characters have marked his life more durable much of the flesh and bone has known. "
is necessary that the writers in the making of the White City, exonerated by free choice of an unnecessary and obsolete literary parricide, we surrender to a lavish work of fiction that, from the rough to the very complex Jaguar Roger Casement Irish adventurer, to the dictator Manuel Apolinario Odría, the champs, the troubled Zavalita, the ineffable Pedro Camacho, the gourmet Don Rigoberto, the obsessive Pantaleon Pantoja, Flora Tristan and the idealistic to the execrable Dominican Goat, thank you, the greatest novelist who was born at the foot of the Misti volcano, for telling those lies witches that conceal a deeper truth. However, any adjective or gesture will sink into the morass of unfortunate cliches: are thousands of readers and writers who have borne witness to our gratitude for the work vargasllosiana, for making us part of that becoming dotted with virtues, dreams, eccentricities, trips and misery of these characters who Lituma, if they have not made our lives better at least have become more intense, lively and interesting.

in MVLL acknowledge, before an outstanding creator of fictions, a prodigious manual (reading, to be exact, The fish in the water ) of how a human being can be given entirely to activities in a corrosive and stimulating : writing as a peremptory command, and reading as a fuel that is transformed into an act of faith. The Nobel Prize in Arequipa is the quintessential intellectual icon in this country so in need of heroes and contemporary cultural references.
With MVLL have a symbolic debt to be repaid when we return to his work or, in any case, when for the first time we start taste with pleasure. Although it sounds like a truism, it must be said: in each of his characters inhabit a piece of it, and in some (or many) of these pieces, for better or for worse, all we can (we ought to) recognize.
In 1967, to be awarded the Rómulo Gallegos in Caracas, author of War doomsday left said that literature is fire. Today, we named it with a Arequipeño Illustrious unfathomable justice, ie, a compatriot of emergency, revere mistiano portentous literary art and ratify his sentence, and add convinced that the sacred fire is more alive than ever in each of the stories who tell their novels. If literature is fire, then the flame ignited in the heart of every reader won for fiction, non-combustible acquire a character as long as the desire to create other worlds born from the womb of those who, like him, have the master key that will allows access to all doors, attics, basements, back rooms, contrast and edges of the colorful human condition. Today we celebrate the fabulous
that restless, striving for omniscience chimeric try to capture reality through fiction, the shining star of Peruvian letters, when someone asks him if, as happens with most writers, usually deter those who dream of being writers, he is quick to say no, because one always, and regardless, should obey his calling, and make this a unique and exclusive dedication, an easement freely chosen, because the race chose is beautiful, allowing many lives, cope with the frustrations and failures of a victorious way, making raw material for other lives. Well the best thing that has happened is dedicating his life to literature .
Success is a huge incentive, "says our universal Arequipa, but for a writer who has a profound vocation, in the end, the greatest reward is able to devote his life to writing. Today
summon and evoke all Arequipa who dedicated his life to literature, and we do it through Lorenzo Mariano Melgar Valdivieso, poet and national hero, a martyr of Umachiri, who, devoured by a precocious for the arts, a love and an immeasurable unrequited desire libertarian, filled his short life of passion, paroxysms and memorable poems worthy of any fictional character.
Your dream has come true, Don Mario, and if you allow us, through you we pay tribute to all those who preceded him. Today we say that his books are above any awards or recognition and we are convinced will the test of time. Because, friends and strangers, in Arequipa, Piura, Lima, Tacna and anywhere in the world, readers not habemos not told the truth by saying that their magic storyteller changed our lives. Nobody is the same (or no one should be the same) after reading books like The Green House, Conversation in the Cathedral , The Storyteller or Paradise on the other corner ! Day by day, book by book, through sensitivity, we have become aware of how boring and monotonous it can be the life of most human beings, and, in turn, as rich, uplifting and intense that it can convert existence that splits into many. Thank
fiction we've discovered that not one but many. And today many of us, beyond our belief, political clothing, skin color or nationality, we stand to say thank you, master! Thanks for the many lives lived, thanks for the perpetual fire which is the literature that bears his signature: Nobel Laureate and Distinguished Citizen with the weight of their books not only could crush people, but armies of confused people in these defects still force as religious fundamentalism, racism, nationalism, and so on. Today our rejuvenates and injects anthem of faith: as Mario Vargas Llosa is volcanic lava, the personification of our revolutionary character. Mario Vargas Llosa is Arequipa, a bastion of freedom!

Note .- You can read the article Arequipa La Casa de Vargas Llosa devotes his last visit to Arequipa, where he remembers his mother's birthplace and bitter moments of the existence of Dora Llosa (her mother). click here to read

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bluetooth Headset For Small Ears 2010

illustrious Arequipa not to vote for PPK

say that Mr. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard , better known as PPK, a favorite on the Internet, which involves a proliferation of emails tweets and, of course, on social networks like Facebook (that and more: young people support him because, among other things, makes the minivans on the doors of private universities to transfer to Planetazos Cheleros and then have the leather Alejandro Toledo accused of drunk).
However, what people are clueless to vote for the ignorant gringo, is that behind the supposed rise in the polls of the Peruvian-American is the hand of APRA and Alan García oligofrénico interests.
Gentlemen Kuczynski not pass the second round, as happened with Ms. Lourdes Flores Nano. All the people who voted for decent Valentín Paniagua opened the door to Government House García Pérez and all his gang of rats and debris. Vote for PPK
is to give the pass to the second round Keiko Fujimori.

Here, I leave a fragment of an article by writer Herbert Morote:

I know right now I want to go for the jugular, that is normal, are so ignorant when they can not defend insult, or despise. But let me ask the first of the upper class rushes me or his henchmen if known Naomi Klein. No, no model or rock singer. Nor is an actress or public relations. Well, if that arrogant class high educated believed to have not read Naomi Klein, will not read Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz , and less will be studied Tony Judt and Noam Chomsky and many other intellectuals who are not communists, or anti-American. There are scholars who believe in capitalism and want to advance U.S..
What these authors criticize and debunk are the likes of Pedro Pablo Kuczynsky in its insatiable appetite to take over countries to plunder their own benefit or the unscrupulous companies that subsidize. Do not believe me? Before voting please read "The Shock Doctrine Klein or any book of the other authors mentioned above. PPK
economic hit man is a typical, cold, ruthless, with excellent contacts with financial speculators of the same ilk, those who become millionaires in every economic crisis, with each making mining without spending on prevention of nature and climate change protection, and less on paying decent wages or contribute to the progress of the country. Why do that if that company is sold as problems arise, complaints or complaints?
PPK relations are large, that is true, but not the best for the country. Peru will need are partners, not exploiters and looters. But the upper class has no idea of \u200b\u200bsophistication used by greedy to seize a country, of course, are ignorant though some speak English, dress in branded goods, and bit into the fashionable beaches . But the monkey dressed in silk but always stays cute. So why are you going to vote for PPK? Precisely for this reason: ignorance. Because they believe that GDP growth is all
• Although they do not know where the money goes,
• Although education in the country appears in the last places in the world is the survey that is.
• Although public health is a mess
• Although the country's economic inequality lead a social danger that could erupt at any time.

Despite that and more upper-class vote for PPK because he wants to be like him.
• Dual nationality to justify saying that if elected he renounces U.S.
• Rico liar who does not declare that stocks and shares in mutual funds has
• It rubs shoulders with the small world of speculators financial.
• Play the flute.

What middle class? Well, the middle class is also contaminated. They hear the above and believe they are right despite not having either no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat constitutes PPK.
Thankfully, the equally ignorant underclass suspected PPK. For now his aversion is intuitive, but beware, it could change if the millions of filibusters of PPK flood the media with messages that brainwash anyone to be neglected.

Of all the candidates PPK is the worst because not only the most unscrupulous and more detached in the country but because it has the ability to do more harm than others.

Update: Add item César Hildebrandt


If you want, how they wanted the Marxists, sharpen the contradictions of Peru and tighten their conflicts to the vicinity of drama, is consistent: vote by American PPK.
This will ensure that the ILO Convention 169 is mocked, the Camisea gas is not sold to the Peruvians, but the Mexicans and Chileans (because that employers should PPK), than Remains of Peru is finished (including drinking water and the North Pier) and that Finally, we become, against Washington, in an even more bent than the rampant Alvaro Uribe.
PPK is not a Peruvian. That is fine. Nor was Henry Ford. Or Teddy Roosevelt. But neither Ford nor Roosevelt run for president of Peru.

PPK is a rogue lobbyist, a ruthless businessman who plays the winner and has already obtained enough mixing promiscuously from their positions of minister and adviser to various regimes and many foreign companies, public and private.

is more, I do not PPK know if it really is an American. What I do know is that the ticket is a cosmopolitan. If tomorrow would war between the U.S. and China, PPK take refuge in the headquarters of the World Bank. Or in some Central Guariquén IMF or the Polish consulate in New York. Because PPK is not Uncle Sam. Papa Johns is!

And I need not say how much would it take to take refuge in the United States Embassy in Lima if Peru would conflict with a neighboring country.

is not forbidden to be an international omnivorous piranha. What it is very bad taste is that someone who did not believe but the money will come to speak of government policies and social justice.

Boys Class A / B is that it has been believed. Is that so anarchists, so nihilistic, so as metalheads that computer and do not mind being a voracious alien disguised flutist the rule. Overall, if many of their parents knelt before a Japanese citizen, why not PPK? Total , if Peru is still a mine, a parcel, a whorehouse, one denounced, a forest and mountains of gold fell to hand over to outsiders, is not consistent expatriate vote for a wildly successful with more than one passport? Is not the Man Without Qualities PPK moral hero films made and television paradigm? Is not is cool to be a Michael Douglas in Wall Street?

The problem is that a hypothetical choice of PPK us back to that right pradista that incubated the violence of 60, the leftist coup of 70, the madness of the 80 hikers.
is not the first time the world knows a period of prosperity. Between 1950 and 1975 were, in general a high growth rate. And Peru was not immune to this cycle. The issue is that quarter of a century was used to build the foundations of a modern state and a less balanced.

Today we feel the same.

Prosperity has passed as a fireball in front of the noses of millions of Peruvians.
During this second administration corrupt Garcia, for example, the following has occurred:
1. 1. The share of wages in gross domestic product fell from 23.1% in 2006 to 20.9% in 2010.
2. 2. income per capita-that asshole-grew 24.4%, but real wages fell 6%.
Félix Jiménez reminded us that 77% of the economically active population is trade in services and salaries an average rate of 650 soles and very low productivity. And we have stressed that between 2006 and 2010, while García Cornejo and filled his pockets a second time, left the country, as foreign investment income 37,000 (trentisiete thousand) million dollars. And how much came of external resources in the same period? For ten billion dollars less than what was.

to persuade Finally, Jiménez educational uses this comparison: in 2010 left the country, as foreign capital gains, 8,900 (eight in 1900) million dollars or 25 billion soles, more than annual income of the poor of Peru, which peaked at 21 billion suns.

Garcia says we grow. The problem is how. During the regime to end this July, real exports have increased 3.8% per year. Imports, however, have grown at an annual rate of 16.6% "Not that we are an export-oriented virtual power? No. Not so.

time ago, invited by the Catholic University, came the American economist Dani Rodrik, Harvard associate professor of school by John Kennedy. Rodrick took care to remind us that there is no true and sustained growth - ie development, but surely there is a process of productivity growth, domestic demand growth and industrialization.

That is what terrifies the Neanderthal of liberalism that have dominated the Peruvian political agenda: coordination between state and private, and in some cases, yes, not horrified: planning. As in South Korea or Singapore.

But it is not possible to conclude whether the national capital is becoming less significant. In 1950 foreign capital represented in Peru, as a percentage of GDP generation, 10 percent. In 1968, when the military stormed the scene nasceríais, and was 22%. After Fujimori in 2000, that figure reached 29%. And in 2007, with Garcia in the fullness of its policy, reached 34.5% of foreign capital to GDP.

why - and many other things, is that in all the surveys of the issue of the economic situation, more than 70 percent of the respondents (73.9% in the most recent) requests that the model changes. That's what the conservative press is silent and its phalanx of accompanying voices.

There is a widespread unrest in Peru. That silenced the press does not mean that there is. That restlessness has to do with inequalities, with the blindness of the political class, with exclusions, with the corruption with impunity. There is a great feast, but there are millions who look, angry, behind a fence.

If you do not want one but several Bagua, a dry grass prairie and a spark in VRAE, a discontent that radicalize the protests and make the country ungovernable, no doubt, vote for PPK. If you want another April 5, vote for who will not live in a democracy. And if you're thinking of those who need a PPK that ignite the prairie to justify a new dictatorship, then I congratulate you: it goes in the right direction.
And if I was Abimael Guzmán I would be rubbing their hands.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Exampe Of Community Service Completion Letter

Wonderful: when so many people
and music, music makes us feel good
is a pleasure, is a revolution!
When you can talk with a song
how beautiful it is, when the stadium is full
and music, the music fills the sky
is a pleasure, is a revolution
is a pleasure, is a revolution
Hi, Mom: look how I have fun ...
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...

and when the sun goes down ...
the sun over the city
one soul, one body
is a pleasure, is a revolution
is a pleasure, is a revolution
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...
Hi, Mom, look how I have fun ...

how beautiful it is, when so many people
and music, music makes us feel good
how beautiful it is when the stadium is full
and music, the music fills the sky
is a pleasure, a revolution is
a pleasure, is a revolution

Hi, Mom, look how I have fun!

Simple Sympathy Inscriptions For Cards



Winchester Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in England. Dimensions that together makes it the longest of all European Gothic cathedrals.

more than a century ago, Winchester Cathedral was saved by the heroic work of a diver, who worked tirelessly to strengthen and preserve historical and one of the largest and most representative buildings in England.

William Walker is probably one of the world's top divers. Known as the man who Winchester Cathedral saved, became a hero in the folklore of Winchester and a whole country. Such was the gratitude that there are numerous statues of him around the cathedral. Even in the prayers of every day is a thanksgiving for the important work of the experienced diver.

was formed as a diver in Portsmouth, Arsenal, in 1887 as assistant diving. In 1892 he was qualified as an expert deep sea diver, winning the respect and admiration of the Siebe Gorman, a British elite group which developed diving equipment for rescue projects navy. A company that was billed as "The submarine engineers."

In 1906 the archaeologist of the Cathedral of Winchester, John Crook said, very seriously that the building was in danger of collapse.

ordered the cathedral built by King William in collaboration with Bishop William Walkelin in 1079. The limestone was imported from one of the quarry on the islands of Wight. The bishop "persuaded" to the king to use the wood of the real jungle Hempage to provide a firm foundation on marshy land that was chosen for the cathedral. To the consternation of the king for the destruction of the forest, all trees were felled to form the floor, then the limestone was deposited which was subsequently developed the majestic building.

course, 800 years after the wood began to fall, endangering the cathedral in cracking and sinking in the muddy side. The official, Bishop Walkelin unfortunately could not explain his fatal decision.

A civil engineer named Francis Fox decided that the only way to save the cathedral was to replace the decayed wood with a layer of concrete. Fox hired workers to dig a trench along the cathedral. However, the swamp water that surrounds the cathedral, flooded the trenches making the task impossible. Had to find a diver to remove the rotten wood and placement concrete. Had to be the best, with superb diving credentials. The choice was William Walker.

Working tirelessly for 6 hours per day in profound darkness, from 1906 to 1912 to get the full support of the cathedral. Were used 25,000 bags of cement, 115,000 concrete blocks and 900,000 bricks.

During the six years of work, weekends Walker returned to his home in Croydon about 91 miles from Winchester bike to see his family.

To celebrate the completion of the work was performed a service of thanksgiving led by the Archbishop of Canterbury in July 1912, Walker was presented with a sheet as prize money donated by King George V. He was later honored with the title of Member of the Royal Victorian Order.

Though fate could have chosen any other volunteer, William Walker remained humble but proud of his achievement. Unfortunately going to die just seven years later during the English flu epidemic of 1918. But his legacy will live on forever as the diver who saved the cathedral of Winchester.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Putting Braces Around Missing Teeth


Beauty and the Beast is a traditional European fairytale. Explained in multiple variants whose origin could be a story of Apuleius, from his book The Golden Ass (aka Metamorphoses), entitled Cupid and Psyche. The first published version was the work of French author Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in 1740, although other sources attributed to Giovanni Francesco Straparola recreation of the original story in 1550. The best known written version was a very brief review of the original de Villeneuve, published in 1756 by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. The first English translation was made in 1757. There are many variants of the story across Europe. Beaumont's version is the most widely known, which is the basis of almost all subsequent versions or adaptations. ORIGIN

The story of Beauty and the Beast has been around for centuries throughout Europe, both orally and in writing and, more recently, film adaptations. Many experts have noted similarities between this story and classic tales of ancient Greece, as Cupid and Psyche, Oedipus and The Golden Ass of Apuleius, to the second century of our era.

The first written version of Beauty and the Beast is attributed to Giovanni Francesco Straparola, published in his book of stories Le notti piacevoli in 1550. An early French version presented to the father as a king and the Beast as a snake. Charles Perrault popularized the story in his collection Contes de ma mere l'hear (Tales of Mother Goose) in 1697. Other authors such as Madame d'Aulnoy, with its tale Le Mouton (The sheep) or Giambattista Basile in Pentamerone also wrote variations on the same story.

The first written version of the story develops and as we know it today was published in 1740 by French author Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, in La jeune américaine, et les contes marins. It was a series of stories explained by a alone on a long journey by sea. Villeneuve wrote fairy tales based on European folklore, for distraction from their friends and acquaintances and dance halls.

The French aristocrat Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont (1711 - 1780) had emigrated to England in 1745, where he worked as a teacher and author of books on moral education. Having read the novel by Villeneuve, the greatly shortened and published in 1756 as part of the collection Magasin des enfants, ou dialogues between sage joins gouvernante et plusieurs de ses élèves. Taking key elements from the original story, Beaumont omitted many scenes of the origins or the families of the players and changed the scene of the transformation of the Beast, which in the original de Villeneuve takes place after the wedding night. Written as a supplement education for their students, many of the gory details were original or subversive of deleted.

Beaumont's version was considered the most characteristic and then to the extent that one year later, in 1757, and was translated into English as The Young Misses Magazine, Containing Dialogues Between a Governess and Several Young Ladies of Quality, Her Scholars.

The French tradition of this time was to develop everyday stories, with a tendency to develop on a background of human emotions rather than random or magical designs. Eliminated everything that was bloody or cruel; wrote directly and concisely, with a sober and unadorned. French storytellers adapted their stories to your own taste classic and even sound logical. Perrault started a trend that deviated from this traditional form of storytelling, and women who followed him, Lhéritier, Madame d'Aulnoy and Beaumont, went further. The most humble of men, in their stories, was a gentleman, pastors were princes in disguise, and most of the players always are kings or queens.

These influences in the history explains the differences between the current version of Beauty and the Beast, through these French writers, and more traditional versions. INTERPRETATION

of all, the story symbolizes the animal in the condition integrated human, since in many myths and folk tales speak of a prince converted by art of sorcery on a wild animal or a monster who is redeemed by the kiss and the love of a maiden.

Beauty and the beast can be interpreted as the arrival of a girl coming of age and sexuality. Designed for the love of his father, who adored her above the rest of her sisters as a pure love, she sees sex as something evil, and every man who feels sexual desire for her is a beast. Just as soon as Bella is able to assimilate and human sex and adult can reach felicidad.6 But another variant of this concept would be that the feeling of the Beast is primitive and brutal, but the woman's love transforms it into something human and politeness, that the story would symbolized by the physical transformation from Beast to Prince.

The story has also been interpreted as criticism of marriages of convenience. Early versions of the story came from high class people of the ancien regime France, where such unions were common. The marriage of a girl, especially young, with a man much older than her, without her consent, is seen as a metaphor in the narrative. The story criticized these practices, but also claimed that if women look inside their elderly husbands can be found to be kind that hides behind the appearance of Beast. Or they themselves achieve this transformation through its amor.8

The story of Beauty and the Beast appears in many cultures in various ways. Aarne-Thompson tale lists 179 different countries with a similar theme. Generally there are three sisters. The youngest, Bella, is pure and kind, while the other two show some of the worst human traits: greed, envy, pride. Bella receives no name, just is the youngest of the sisters, and received his nickname for her beauty, and for being the favorite of his father. Maternal figure never appears, thus avoiding the conflicts that such a figure would be opposed to the girl went to live with a monster. At the same time, it allows the relationship with the father, usually wealthy, is much closer, and enable the development of the narrative. Although the Beast can take many forms (snake, lion and even a pig), the motive is always the same: he's rich and powerful, but never beautiful or attractive. At one point, Bella is separated from the Beast, which falls, for some strange reason (love, betrayal, magical designs of its curse), terribly ill and lies dying. Bella's remorse, whether in the form of a single tear shed or a trip to the end of the world to return to his beloved, save the beast, and it is transformed into a handsome prince. The implicit beauty of the beast emerges when Bella is able to peer beneath the ugly exterior appearance.

The story can also be placed in a psychological context. Men tend to be passive, the old little or no comprehensive, Bella, the youngest, is always pure and virginal, and his greatest desire is a rose. For Greeks and Romans, the rose was the symbol of pleasure, associated with luxury and extravagance. Represented the flower of love and romance. Highlight Bella's love for her father, to ask him to bring a rose. When the father falls ill and dying, can be interpreted in a literal sense or figuratively, and Bella's love is no longer to his father, but towards the Beast.

According to the classification system Aarne-Thompson, Beauty and the Beast would be classified in category 425A: Animal or Monster for a boyfriend or lover.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Labled Parts Of A Viking Ship

In the early 70's the photographer rock Bob Gruen and his wife Nadya purchased a portable camera and for 3 years recorded a 40 hours of the New York Dolls. Here are the pictures.

full movie.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Mirageos Pokemon Game


Source: Public


Source: -de-earnings-inflation-the-price-of-the-food

An rushed across Moscow's Red Square wearing a mask apocalyptic. Moscow is surrounded by fire caused by the hottest summer in history. Inclement meterológica not only leaves unpublished images. The worst drought in a century plagues the continent and is carried forward wheat crops in the south. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, imposes an exceptional measure to contain prices: no wheat exports until 2011.

Across the world, a trader (broker) of the largest commodity market in the world makes its calculations. Russia is the world's third largest exporter of the cereal and Canada, the second will have one of its worst harvest in three years. The opportunity is served on a platter. In just two days (4 and 5 August), wheat rises by 8.42% and the volume that moves collide with the ceilings imposed by the regulator to curb speculation in a delicate market. In the latter half of 2010, the cumulative increase reached 44%. And rising.

The butterfly effect extends six months after the small Tunisian village of Sidi Bou Zid. The price of flour and other foods, has doubled. Tunisia, along with Egypt and Iraq, is one of the leading importers of Russian wheat. The young Mohamed Bouazizi burns to bonzo, anxious because they have taken their business and can not feed his family.

As this cycle, particularly hyperbolic and intense, repeated every year worldwide event sequences produced by the disruption of food prices, inflated by the action of large institutional investors. The outcome of these chapters is, at best, a riot, because in most cases it is triggered are famines.

"Financial speculation impact on prices." Experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), FAO and World Bank agree on this point. Experts from these organizations decline to talk or prefer not to be quoted when asked about the role of hedge funds (hedge funds), but assume that their role is key as it amplifies the effects of crop failure or an unexpected surge demand.

however, quantify the impact of price speculation is almost impossible, experts say. The Institute for Agriculture and U.S. Trade Policy (IATP), collects data from a study prepared by a consultant that is attributed to the effect of speculation up to 31% of the rise in corn prices in July 2008, the previous bubble in food prices. Actors

That is very clear is the financial guru George Soros, who was called to testify before a U.S. Senate committee in 2008 to explain the role of speculation in rising commodities prices premiums. From "unstabilized" and "harmful" tycoon labeled a massive influx of speculators in commodities, yet they are still his favorite investments (especially gold and oil) a day.

"There are three types of financial market players. Are derivatives dealers, the indices that follow commodity and hedge funds. Between 12% and 16% of actors that influence the price of raw materials really do not trade with them, "said a former broker at the Chicago Board, the largest commodity market in the world." The volume of Chicago has exceeded U.S. $ 300.0000 million and three years has tripled. 80% of those participating in this market are investment banks, this particular expert.

Among all participants, the most powerful is the indestructible (being one of the few survivors of the financial meltdown) investment bank Goldman Sachs, in 2008 reached a third of their net income (about $ 1,500 million) by investing in commodities. Their index Goldman Sachs Commodity Index went from having an investment of just U.S. $ 8,000 million in 2000 to 100,000 today hoarding billions of dollars invested against the evolution of raw materials (including oil). Only in 2010, the rate was revalued by 50%, up nearly 10% in December. So far this year, rising 14% and slash.

These billions flowing into raw materials investments lead to high volatility in raw material prices. "The more trading volume, the greater the volatility, "said FAO economist Abdolreza Abbassian.

food profiteering is as old as agriculture itself, but its appeal as an instrument of profit soared in the last decade the discovery and a unique investment opportunity. Profitability is assured because the global demand in line with rising population and greater purchasing power in emerging countries, ensures their consistent growth. "There is hardly another product in which to invest now real demand for which is so clear, that is, that has such good fundamentals, "said Francisco Lopez Olles, expert materials commodities and currencies. "Ultimately, this is the result of the operations of central banks to have more liquidity in the markets (the so-called quantitative easing). The money has to find somewhere profitability," he concludes.

The head of the financial sector of IE Business School, Manuel Romera, recalls that "in ten operations, nine are speculative." However, Romero suggests that "the derivative financial product is usually driven by the underlying real agricultural output." To speculate in the commodities market is not necessary to have not one ounce of real marketed product.

The market suffers from the same defects as other regulatory negotiation financial derivatives. Over the counter transactions (over the counter) are made without note address, so that no one knows who sells or who buys on the market. The control of these operations is one of the main demands of the international experts.

addition, a regulatory gap between the U.S. and Europe in time of a global market makes no sense. Thus, in the U.S., which has its own Commission to regulate the commodities market, have placed limits on the volumes and the band of fluctuation of prices on food so that you can not alter the actual price merchandise. In Europe, there are no such barriers in certain materials such as sugar, coffee and cocoa. The FAO has found that to take advantage of it, whole cargo ship this product from New York to Amsterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg, to be able to negotiate there with them without limit.

Although monitoring for greater control is in place (London, one of the largest markets worldwide, has promised to have it ready for 2012), the lobby of the investment banks and big agricultural intermediaries is pushing to delay and alleviate the possible implementation of these new regulations.

"The role of hedge funds is highly controversial. It is one of the major factors, but not unique. Both supply and demand are very tight and tense that the market, "appeasement from the OECD, remembering that there are many issues that fatten the price of food." In my opinion, the end investment funds rather than following the trend creating it. The amplified ", sentenced the same sources of the organization.

A single investment fund bought 7% of world production in a day

A single hedge fund is grabbed by the neck since months all chocolate manufacturers in the world. Armajaro background, driven by a well known British executive, Anthony Ward, known as 'Chocfinger' (finger chocolate), bought last July to 240,000 tons of cocoa, or 7% of world production in a single operation. The purchase, which was made on Euronext, where there are no limits on this type of material, cocoa prices soared to their highest since 1977. The thousands of tons of cocoa are cumulative, according to knowledgeable sources confirmed the operation of this newspaper, in stores in Hamburg, Antwerp and Amsterdam. Ward has backed cocoa, since one of its main producer, Ivory Coast, is virtually at civil war, which will soon be scarce product. According to British newspaper 'The Daily Telegraph, George Soros invested in this fund.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Enlongate The Libia Minora Lips


In Ariel, a small town in Washington State nestled between pine trees and raging rivers, not only ate turkey on Thursday and forced the rite of Thanksgiving Day. In and tradition these days is to offer in the village tavern on the health of a man who might still be alive or may already be dead, but that, regardless of their own fate, was installed in the legend in 1971 never leave. In Ariel

want to believe that DB Cooper, the mysterious passenger on 24 November of that year hijacked a plane in Portland (Oregon), demanded a ransom of $ 200,000 and vanished without a trace after a parachute jump with the loot on the State of Washington, is still alive. His body was never found. Nor money. Neither the parachute. So every year, dozens of fans flock to this mysterious character Ariel's Tavern to celebrate their feat during the "days of DB Cooper. It is the only unsolved case in the history of hijackings. And one of the most famous and celebrated crimes of the United States.

DB Cooper has had hundreds of applicants to play him in real life. But more than a thousand suspects who have passed through the sieve of the FBI has joined this year, with the help of New York detective Skipp Porteous, Sherlock Investigations Agency, a new name: Kenny Christiansen. Bourbon and soda lover, a former soldier, a former paratrooper, a former flight attendant and a resident of the State of Washington until his death in 1994, Kenny Christiansen is, according to his brother Lyle Christiansen, DB Cooper, attentive and quiet man who hijacked a Boeing 727 wearing a pearl in the buttonhole of his elegant black suit.

To understand the complexity of the case must travel in time back to that November 24, 1971. A middle-aged man, tall, wide forehead, protruding ears, coat and black tie and impeccable suit purchase a ticket in Portland under the name of Dan Cooper, a journalistic error would add a B to name a few hours later, carving and in history. Will take flight on Northwest Orient Airlines 305 bound for Seattle. He sits in the back row of that plane that travels 36 passengers and six crew and asked for a bourbon and soda. At takeoff the flight attendant gives him a note. Florence Schaffner, 23, put it in his pocket without paying attention: according to later told the passengers he made sexual advances constantly, so I thought this would be one more. But Cooper reacts immediately: "Miss, look at the note. I have a bomb." On paper, the man with the pearl in the eye tells you that you're hijacking the plane, tells carrying a bomb in his bag and asked to sit by his side for instructions. "I want, when we land in Seattle, I hand over $ 200,000. I also want four parachutes. Refuel as we land and do not exploit this nonsense or do." While the flight attendant comes to the cabin to inform the driver of the situation, DB Cooper, his face hidden behind dark glasses who used to jump from the plane.

"The other passengers barely remember, because the pilot never reported that the plane had been hijacked. They said it had mechanical problems and therefore were going to take longer to land. Hence, the identification has always been difficult, "explains Skipp Porteous COUNTRY in a telephone interview. The sketch was done in Cooper relied primarily on statements from the attendant Schaffner." And she said that the picture Kenny Christiansen is the most like the kidnapper of all you have taught over the years, "he says proudly." But the FBI has not bothered to search for other flight attendants to show it. That is one of the things that I have yet to do, "he continues.

That rainy night, Mr B Cooper calmly sipped his bourbon while waiting for the air landing perfect gentleman. When the plane finally arrived in Seattle, the passengers landed without a scratch and oblivious to the reality of abduction. DB Cooper did not flinch. He waited until she delivered $ 200,000 in notes 20 and parachutes. Negotiated the departure of two flight attendants and was left with a third, Tina Mucklow, which today looks Porteous. Made the transaction, ordered the pilot to be directed toward Reno (Nevada). Gave specific orders as to what height to fly, how fast and how to put the plane's wings, and he specified that there will stamp the back door. The Boeing 727 was the only model with a ladder allowing use that door to jump and, of course, the kidnapper knew those details. DB Cooper handed weighing five kilos money through his body, asked the stewardess to close in the cockpit with the pilot and he was alone.

Nobody knows what they thought at the time, he opened the door of the plane and faced the cold and the storm that raged outside. At his feet, more than 3,000 feet away, the State of Washington and its rugged mountains, glaciers and forests infested with bears waiting to devour him. Or maybe not. That's the mystery.

"DB Cooper was my brother Kenny and did survive." Lyle Christiansen contacted in February services Porteous agency to make him reach the writer, film director and screenwriter Nora Ephron the letter detailing how he came to the conclusion that his brother was missing and the abductor in which I proposed to write the screenplay for a movie. Porteous delivered the letter, which Ephron ninguneo and getting no response, Christiansen said. His tenacity led to the curiosity of this particular detective, who was to cure and change habits to investigate the mundane. "When I began to request information and compare them, I realized that was before the most important event of my life. There are too many coincidences," says Porteous, who, after three decades of occupation, still aspires to the 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol spoke.

"Kenny Christiansen bought a home in Bonney Lake, Washington State, just one year after the kidnapping with cash. He worked as a mechanic and car chief for Northwest Airlines, which would explain his knowledge of hijacked plane. However, long-haul routes covered, explaining that this crew did not know him. And most importantly, had been a paratrooper in the Army and even skydiving risk had to pump extra money. "

This is what Lyle Christiansen said Porteous when he began to describe her brother, a type different, lonely and quiet, fascinated by the childhood memory of bundles of $ 20 bills, which barely knew him friends and never married. But also on his deathbed, Kenny wanted to make a confession to Lyle: "There is something you should know, but I can tell." The reality is that Kenny Christiansen was gay, something he never officially to his brother. "Maybe that was what he meant, since they experienced a time when it was not easy to come out. But perhaps the secret was another ...", suggests Porteous, who also has bequeathed Kenny home to one of their male partners.

The mystery that has surrounded the identity of DB Cooper and that weighs on the FBI for 36 years has fueled the collective imagination endlessly about who became the most wanted criminal of the United States. "It was an incredible victory in the battle of man against machine. A single individual from technology, big business, the system. So is portrayed as a curious Robin Hood, taking from the rich, or at least power . No matter if you give it to the poor or not, "he reflected during the 25 th anniversary of the kidnapping the sociologist Otto Larsen, University of Washington.

In Ariel, a neighbor named Richard Purdy wrote after the kidnapping the first of many songs about the case, entitled Story of DB Cooper I, which was already mystified. In Washington State in 1972 appeared the first shirts with the question "DB Cooper, where are you?". Today, his portrait robot is a pop icon that even decorated ashtrays are sold online. To the area hundreds of bounty hunters came in search of a body and thousands of dollars that some ferocious chase into the murky waters of a local lake helped by a submarine. But all that appeared were $ 5,800 decomposition along the Columbia River in 1980. We wrote books, novels and, of course, Hollywood tried to exploit the dramatic potential history with a movie, a million dollars in the air, but had quality actors like Robert Duvall, was lost in the mists of mediocrity.

As for the suspects, has been of all kinds. From John List, a mass murderer, to Richard McCoy Jr., one of four men who hijacked planes DB Cooper style a few months later. McCoy was arrested a few days to escape from a plane in Denver (Colorado) with half a million in his parachute, but the FBI could never prove that it was DB Cooper.

Then there Ghunter people like Max who DB Cooper in his book, What really happened? (What happened really?) claimed to have corresponded with the kidnapper for 10 years. And a woman, Jo Weber, who in 2000 claimed that her husband, Duane Weber, said before his death he was the kidnapper disappeared. There were some who even gave interviews under that name. But no suspects changed the main thesis of the FBI investigation, which still maintains that DB Cooper died after jumping from the plane. "I've seen and heard everything, and none has been proven to survive," says Ralph Himmelsbach, the retired FBI agent who has worked more years in the case. However, the agency opened a month ago case files hoping to get to close someday.

The FBI has also ruled out because Kenny Christiansen sees no resemblance to the kidnapper, who in theory was another big and eye color. "But there are other photos that are identical. Not seem to reconcile the DNA tests, but I question the type of evidence collected at the time the FBI, so now it all depends on circumstantial evidence. In addition, the FBI would never admit that I I have reason. After the millions that have been spent, would never let them steal the case "cries Porteous. "I have to figure out where that was Kenny Christiansen November 24. I need to find someone who would have confessed his identity and I have to get the files Max Ghunter to contrast. The hijacker wrote him a letter. There could be an important DNA test. "

While all this happens, this weekend will have been reunited in Ariel, as every year since 1971, who did not want to believe in the death of Robin Hood. Carl Steinwachs, a local resident, explained 25 years ago in The New York Times the reasons for that community to resist burying DB Cooper. His arguments about the feat of the hero are as current as ever: "Everyone tries to earn a living, but all is against the common man. Look at politicians, win elections and then steal money. As large companies. DB Cooper was a ordinary man who did the same but openly, not as corporations and politicians they do in secret. Had to think, plan and execute. I think he succeeded. He is a hero and I would hate to discover that died in the attempt. "
