say that Mr. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard , better known as PPK, a favorite on the Internet, which involves a proliferation of emails tweets and, of course, on social networks like Facebook (that and more: young people support him because, among other things, makes the minivans on the doors of private universities to transfer to Planetazos Cheleros and then have the leather Alejandro Toledo accused of drunk).
However, what people are clueless to vote for the ignorant gringo, is that behind the supposed rise in the polls of the Peruvian-American is the hand of APRA and Alan García oligofrénico interests.
Gentlemen Kuczynski not pass the second round, as happened with Ms. Lourdes Flores Nano. All the people who voted for decent Valentín Paniagua opened the door to Government House García Pérez and all his gang of rats and debris. Vote for PPK
is to give the pass to the second round Keiko Fujimori.
Here, I leave a fragment of an article by writer Herbert Morote:
I know right now I want to go for the jugular, that is normal, are so ignorant when they can not defend insult, or despise. But let me ask the first of the upper class rushes me or his henchmen if known Naomi Klein. No, no model or rock singer. Nor is an actress or public relations. Well, if that arrogant class high educated believed to have not read Naomi Klein, will not read Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz , and less will be studied Tony Judt and Noam Chomsky and many other intellectuals who are not communists, or anti-American. There are scholars who believe in capitalism and want to advance U.S..
What these authors criticize and debunk are the likes of Pedro Pablo Kuczynsky in its insatiable appetite to take over countries to plunder their own benefit or the unscrupulous companies that subsidize. Do not believe me? Before voting please read "The Shock Doctrine Klein or any book of the other authors mentioned above. PPK
economic hit man is a typical, cold, ruthless, with excellent contacts with financial speculators of the same ilk, those who become millionaires in every economic crisis, with each making mining without spending on prevention of nature and climate change protection, and less on paying decent wages or contribute to the progress of the country. Why do that if that company is sold as problems arise, complaints or complaints?
PPK relations are large, that is true, but not the best for the country. Peru will need are partners, not exploiters and looters. But the upper class has no idea of \u200b\u200bsophistication used by greedy to seize a country, of course, are ignorant though some speak English, dress in branded goods, and bit into the fashionable beaches . But the monkey dressed in silk but always stays cute. So why are you going to vote for PPK? Precisely for this reason: ignorance. Because they believe that GDP growth is all
• Although they do not know where the money goes,
• Although education in the country appears in the last places in the world is the survey that is.
• Although public health is a mess
• Although the country's economic inequality lead a social danger that could erupt at any time.
Despite that and more upper-class vote for PPK because he wants to be like him.
• Dual nationality to justify saying that if elected he renounces U.S.
• Rico liar who does not declare that stocks and shares in mutual funds has
• It rubs shoulders with the small world of speculators financial.
• Play the flute.
What middle class? Well, the middle class is also contaminated. They hear the above and believe they are right despite not having either no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat constitutes PPK.
Thankfully, the equally ignorant underclass suspected PPK. For now his aversion is intuitive, but beware, it could change if the millions of filibusters of PPK flood the media with messages that brainwash anyone to be neglected.
Of all the candidates PPK is the worst because not only the most unscrupulous and more detached in the country but because it has the ability to do more harm than others.
Update: Add item César Hildebrandt
However, what people are clueless to vote for the ignorant gringo, is that behind the supposed rise in the polls of the Peruvian-American is the hand of APRA and Alan García oligofrénico interests.
Gentlemen Kuczynski not pass the second round, as happened with Ms. Lourdes Flores Nano. All the people who voted for decent Valentín Paniagua opened the door to Government House García Pérez and all his gang of rats and debris. Vote for PPK
is to give the pass to the second round Keiko Fujimori.
Here, I leave a fragment of an article by writer Herbert Morote:
I know right now I want to go for the jugular, that is normal, are so ignorant when they can not defend insult, or despise. But let me ask the first of the upper class rushes me or his henchmen if known Naomi Klein. No, no model or rock singer. Nor is an actress or public relations. Well, if that arrogant class high educated believed to have not read Naomi Klein, will not read Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz , and less will be studied Tony Judt and Noam Chomsky and many other intellectuals who are not communists, or anti-American. There are scholars who believe in capitalism and want to advance U.S..
What these authors criticize and debunk are the likes of Pedro Pablo Kuczynsky in its insatiable appetite to take over countries to plunder their own benefit or the unscrupulous companies that subsidize. Do not believe me? Before voting please read "The Shock Doctrine Klein or any book of the other authors mentioned above. PPK
economic hit man is a typical, cold, ruthless, with excellent contacts with financial speculators of the same ilk, those who become millionaires in every economic crisis, with each making mining without spending on prevention of nature and climate change protection, and less on paying decent wages or contribute to the progress of the country. Why do that if that company is sold as problems arise, complaints or complaints?
PPK relations are large, that is true, but not the best for the country. Peru will need are partners, not exploiters and looters. But the upper class has no idea of \u200b\u200bsophistication used by greedy to seize a country, of course, are ignorant though some speak English, dress in branded goods, and bit into the fashionable beaches . But the monkey dressed in silk but always stays cute. So why are you going to vote for PPK? Precisely for this reason: ignorance. Because they believe that GDP growth is all
• Although they do not know where the money goes,
• Although education in the country appears in the last places in the world is the survey that is.
• Although public health is a mess
• Although the country's economic inequality lead a social danger that could erupt at any time.

Despite that and more upper-class vote for PPK because he wants to be like him.
• Dual nationality to justify saying that if elected he renounces U.S.
• Rico liar who does not declare that stocks and shares in mutual funds has
• It rubs shoulders with the small world of speculators financial.
• Play the flute.
What middle class? Well, the middle class is also contaminated. They hear the above and believe they are right despite not having either no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat constitutes PPK.
Thankfully, the equally ignorant underclass suspected PPK. For now his aversion is intuitive, but beware, it could change if the millions of filibusters of PPK flood the media with messages that brainwash anyone to be neglected.
Of all the candidates PPK is the worst because not only the most unscrupulous and more detached in the country but because it has the ability to do more harm than others.
Update: Add item César Hildebrandt
If you want, how they wanted the Marxists, sharpen the contradictions of Peru and tighten their conflicts to the vicinity of drama, is consistent: vote by American PPK.
This will ensure that the ILO Convention 169 is mocked, the Camisea gas is not sold to the Peruvians, but the Mexicans and Chileans (because that employers should PPK), than Remains of Peru is finished (including drinking water and the North Pier) and that Finally, we become, against Washington, in an even more bent than the rampant Alvaro Uribe.
PPK is not a Peruvian. That is fine. Nor was Henry Ford. Or Teddy Roosevelt. But neither Ford nor Roosevelt run for president of Peru.
PPK is a rogue lobbyist, a ruthless businessman who plays the winner and has already obtained enough mixing promiscuously from their positions of minister and adviser to various regimes and many foreign companies, public and private.
is more, I do not PPK know if it really is an American. What I do know is that the ticket is a cosmopolitan. If tomorrow would war between the U.S. and China, PPK take refuge in the headquarters of the World Bank. Or in some Central Guariquén IMF or the Polish consulate in New York. Because PPK is not Uncle Sam. Papa Johns is!
And I need not say how much would it take to take refuge in the United States Embassy in Lima if Peru would conflict with a neighboring country.
is not forbidden to be an international omnivorous piranha. What it is very bad taste is that someone who did not believe but the money will come to speak of government policies and social justice.
Boys Class A / B is that it has been believed. Is that so anarchists, so nihilistic, so as metalheads that computer and do not mind being a voracious alien disguised flutist the rule. Overall, if many of their parents knelt before a Japanese citizen, why not PPK? Total , if Peru is still a mine, a parcel, a whorehouse, one denounced, a forest and mountains of gold fell to hand over to outsiders, is not consistent expatriate vote for a wildly successful with more than one passport? Is not the Man Without Qualities PPK moral hero films made and television paradigm? Is not is cool to be a Michael Douglas in Wall Street?
The problem is that a hypothetical choice of PPK us back to that right pradista that incubated the violence of 60, the leftist coup of 70, the madness of the 80 hikers.
is not the first time the world knows a period of prosperity. Between 1950 and 1975 were, in general a high growth rate. And Peru was not immune to this cycle. The issue is that quarter of a century was used to build the foundations of a modern state and a less balanced.
Today we feel the same.
Prosperity has passed as a fireball in front of the noses of millions of Peruvians.
During this second administration corrupt Garcia, for example, the following has occurred:
1. 1. The share of wages in gross domestic product fell from 23.1% in 2006 to 20.9% in 2010.
2. 2. income per capita-that asshole-grew 24.4%, but real wages fell 6%.
Félix Jiménez reminded us that 77% of the economically active population is trade in services and salaries an average rate of 650 soles and very low productivity. And we have stressed that between 2006 and 2010, while García Cornejo and filled his pockets a second time, left the country, as foreign investment income 37,000 (trentisiete thousand) million dollars. And how much came of external resources in the same period? For ten billion dollars less than what was.
to persuade Finally, Jiménez educational uses this comparison: in 2010 left the country, as foreign capital gains, 8,900 (eight in 1900) million dollars or 25 billion soles, more than annual income of the poor of Peru, which peaked at 21 billion suns.
Garcia says we grow. The problem is how. During the regime to end this July, real exports have increased 3.8% per year. Imports, however, have grown at an annual rate of 16.6% "Not that we are an export-oriented virtual power? No. Not so.
time ago, invited by the Catholic University, came the American economist Dani Rodrik, Harvard associate professor of school by John Kennedy. Rodrick took care to remind us that there is no true and sustained growth - ie development, but surely there is a process of productivity growth, domestic demand growth and industrialization.
That is what terrifies the Neanderthal of liberalism that have dominated the Peruvian political agenda: coordination between state and private, and in some cases, yes, not horrified: planning. As in South Korea or Singapore.
But it is not possible to conclude whether the national capital is becoming less significant. In 1950 foreign capital represented in Peru, as a percentage of GDP generation, 10 percent. In 1968, when the military stormed the scene nasceríais, and was 22%. After Fujimori in 2000, that figure reached 29%. And in 2007, with Garcia in the fullness of its policy, reached 34.5% of foreign capital to GDP.
why - and many other things, is that in all the surveys of the issue of the economic situation, more than 70 percent of the respondents (73.9% in the most recent) requests that the model changes. That's what the conservative press is silent and its phalanx of accompanying voices.
There is a widespread unrest in Peru. That silenced the press does not mean that there is. That restlessness has to do with inequalities, with the blindness of the political class, with exclusions, with the corruption with impunity. There is a great feast, but there are millions who look, angry, behind a fence.
If you do not want one but several Bagua, a dry grass prairie and a spark in VRAE, a discontent that radicalize the protests and make the country ungovernable, no doubt, vote for PPK. If you want another April 5, vote for who will not live in a democracy. And if you're thinking of those who need a PPK that ignite the prairie to justify a new dictatorship, then I congratulate you: it goes in the right direction.
And if I was Abimael Guzmán I would be rubbing their hands.
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