The malteísmo is the belief that God is a cruel, arrogant, abusive and a liar who does not deserve to be worshiped. The problem of evil does not show you a malteísta God does not exist, but rather that he is a liar.
The malteísmo is just the opposite of teofilia, a term that encompasses all religious systems that believe in the goodness of God. The term distinguishes between "theistic" and "Theophilus" to alienate malteístas the alleged conclusion that whoever believes in God must believe that is good and deserves to be worshiped. Only theists who believe that God exists, without any involvement on his supposed goodness and malteístas are therefore theists. The Theophilus are theists who believe God is good, that (etymologically) love God. (Strictly speaking, those malteístas according to which God is not good, and those who do not care if God's actions can be described as good, but choose to love equally, perhaps out of fear or to obtain a divine reward, may also qualify as Theophilus.) The point is that not all "theists" love God, and the term "Theophilus" explicitly distinguishes those who love God with those who do not. There are those who practice this religion for any damage it had in the past.
malteístas Many believe that God depends on the worship and adoration of the people to continue to exist, and hope that if deprived of that human veneration, will eventually wither and die leaving people alone and better than they were. The malteísmo aims to encourage people of all religions Theophilus see God as cruel and dependent stop worship to achieve true freedom for mankind. If God is evil, as they say malteístas, and if your goal is not to the benefit of mankind, but his own glory (something I agree many Theophilus), to worship an evil God is an act of treason against humanity, and that feeds the force that enslaves people in general, even though it may be a short-term benefit for those who love him. Note, however, that the malteístas not intended to force the Theophilus to renounce their beliefs, but wish that Theophilus stop trying to convert others to the teofilia.
The malteísmo has been frequently compared with Satanism, as proposed by the rebellion against God, and with some kinds of Gnosticism who argue that the God to whom many revere is really evil or tyrannical, but God is not the final . Although malteísmo significant similarities with these two beliefs, it is actually very different from both.
The anti-theism is a philosophical position that goes beyond atheism to not only deny the existence of God, but to promote their opposition to the same religious idea.
antitheist doctrine underlying the ideological origins of political power in the belief in a god, where the god would be the reflection and justification of the existence of government, and vice versa. The principle of authority, and therefore the willingness to obey the state, is based on the belief that there is a superior, supreme.
Thus, this dependence of man from God, would prevent him from taking his own humanity and therefore freedom. Religion would be the denial of man and therefore his alienation, which disregards the true nature and metaphysical values \u200b\u200bunreal. Major
concerning of anti-theism is Mikhail Bakunin and Friedrich Nietzsche. Although it is sometimes associated with satanism symbolic, ie, that belief that he sees the figure of a divine nemesis calculus, but a basic idea of \u200b\u200bintelligence and reasoning, so that it can be considered as a antitheist Anton LaVey.
The antitheism anarchist says, in the words of Bakunin:
If God really exists should be abolished.
changing the phrase of Voltaire
If God did not exist would have to invent.
Misoteismo is the "hate God" or "hatred of the gods" (from the Greek adjective μισόθεος "hating the gods", a union of μίσος (MISE) "hate" and θεός (theos) "god." English translation of the "Misotheismo" and Italian "Misoteismo." In some varieties of polytheism, it was considered possible to inflict punishment upon the gods to worship them stop. In monotheism, the feeling arises in the context of the teosidad (the problem of mal). A major literary phrase that expresses feelings misoteistas is attributed to Goethe's Prometheus, composed in 1770, contemporary with the first stirrings of modern atheism.
Some dualistic interpretations of the Abrahamic Religions conclude that demons are like gods, under the concept of deity of those religions. In this context, the misoteismo is applied only to half of the deities of the religion, but not the other half.
is a concept related to disteismo, the belief that God exists, but not completely right and what is possibly wrong.
Many polytheistic deities since prehistoric times, have been classified as not good or bad (possessing both characteristics). However the Disteismo is usually used in reference to God, the omnipotent deity of monotheistic beliefs. In fact, the absolute moral right and wrong has been always parallel appellant within monotheism. In conceptions of God as the summum bonum, the claim that God is not all good, it would be a contradiction.
Misoteismo The term appears first recorded in 1907. The English word seems to be a term coined by Thomas de Quincey in 1846. Is comparable with the original definition of the Greek "atheos" or "reject the gods, rejected by the gods, forgotten by the gods." Strictly speaking the term has connotations of attitudes toward the gods (hate), rather than talk about their nature.
various religious throughout history have proposed the notion of the God of Abraham as the Devil. Dan the reason that the biblical God is a divine force that causes suffering, death and destruction and enticing or directs humanity to commit violence and genocide.
These writings refer to this god in various ways as a "demiurge", "an evil angel," the god devil, "" Prince of Darkness, "the source of all evil", "the Devil "," a devil "," a cruel tyrant, angry and warlike, "" Satan "and" the first beast of the Book of Revelation. "
Many authors criticize the concept of God only found in the Tanach, in contrast to the "true god" to ensure see in the New Testament. However, other authors use their condemnation of the whole deity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The authors say their critics by referring to certain passages in the biblical scripture describing God's actions saying they are evil or demons. Many of the perpetrators were severely punished for his writings and his followers have been killed.
The Early Church Marcion of Sinope
, the first great heresy of Christianity in the first century , "[holding] the Old Testament was a scandal to the faithful ... and accounted for it to apply [the Lord was ] a secondary deity, a demiurge, it was god, in a sense, but not the supreme God, it was just, rigidly just, he had his good qualities, but not the good god, it was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. "The Church condemned his writings as heretical.
Apelles, the second-century Gnostic, "consider [ed] that the Inspirer of the prophecies of the Old Testament was not a god but an evil angel."
The Persian prophet Mani, founder of the Manichean sect in the third century , identified the Lord as "the devil that God created the world" and said "who spoke to Moses, the Jews and the priests ... is [Prince] of Darkness, not God ... of truth. "
Age Media
The Albigenses were a Christian sect in France in the centuries 12 and 13, a branch of the Cathars. His doctrine held that" the creator of the material world ... ... is the source of all evil ... He created the human body and is the author of sin ... The Old Testament must be attributed in part or entirely, while the New Testament is the revelation of God benefactor. "Ultimately, they ended up in conflict with both civil order as with the Church that the Albigensian Crusade conyevó.
Modern Times Anglo-American philosopher of the 18th century Thomas Paine wrote in The Age of Reason "Every time we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous corruption, cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vengeance, with more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent than call her the word of a demon, before that the Word of God. "
The author "New Age" Dorothy Leon makes the argument that not only is based on God's actions, but in a remarkable correspondence in two biblical passages. Bible scholars have debated its meaning through time, but Leon says: "The fact that Jehovah is Satan is confirmed in 2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1." The first passage reads: "And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and moved David against them and say, Go number Israel and Judah ", while the second relates to reverse that" Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to count Israel. "
The American anthropologist Walter L. Williams has written a review of the story of Jesus presents "God and Satan, the thief rejected by Jesus in confronting the New Testament during the removal of Jesus in the desert."
The Old Serpent Chained book size is an Analysis of biblical content and concluded that "the Lord God of the Old Testament says that he alone does great wonders is the first Book of Revelation beast does great wonders, so that makes the fire fall from heaven on earth in the sight of men, and deceives the inhabitants of the earth. "Opposition
The notion that the biblical God the Devil himself is the main dogma is heretical Jewish, Christian and Muslim and can be blasphemous in any of these religions. However, in the work of any philosopher or theologian, this notion was only one in an entire body of criticism religious doctrine and established policy. So while the literature shows isolated arguments against or condemnation of this very notion, the following shows that people that has been expressed and their followers have been suppressed, sometimes with death. Marcion of Sinope
was excommunicated from the early church and condemned as a heretic. Apelles's writings were similarly condemned. It is reported that Mani was imprisoned for his cruelty, and died in prison.
The Albigensian, with the Cathars, who had similar ideas, were the subject of a long crusade 20 years of the Roman Catholic Church that tried to exterminate them. The cross between massacred an estimated 200,000 to one million people between 1209 and 1229 and followed one of the first in what would become a long series of inquisitions conducted by the church to purge society of heretics and unbelievers. They were required to the repentant to wear a yellow cross sewn to his outer clothing and live apart from other Catholics. Those who refused to recant were hanged or burned.
religious suppression is usually more subtle in modern times ancient and medieval times, although some Islamic regimes continue to punish blasphemy with death. As the author of Ebon Musings does not seem to make any comment on your choice of anonymity, a subsidiary author whose work is published on the site ofreción this comment: "I have chosen to remain anonymous ... because, unfortunately, this issue is not shared with others without arousing strong emotions and animosities. Countless people have suffered and even died for these issues, and I have no desire to create strong feelings or isolated from friends and family.
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