For Herodotus the Red
The Paris Commune of 1871 has undoubtedly been one of the biggest events of the revolutionary History. For the first time the proletariat was able to overthrow the established power, form their own governing bodies and replace the state-monarchist bourgeois capitalist. This never forgave the frightened bourgeois capitalists, who saw in the Commune the possibility of losing all its economic and social privileges. It also explains the strong repression suffered by the community ("Communards"), and that much of the world to see as a simple revolt of "vague" proletarians. The repression was so great that even this important event was forgotten by history books, naming almost like a story about the Franco-Prussian War that overthrew Louis Napoleon III, which brought the Third Republic of France and the union of Germany. I hope these lines help to restore the historical memory of a brave move and worth remembering.
historical precedent, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL
The Revolution of 1789
No historical event occurs spontaneously. Thus, the origins of the Commune could search for almost a century before the French Revolution of 1789. These years saw the beginning of the end of the absolutist state with feudal privileges, called the Old Regime. But the beneficiaries of this revolution were the most disadvantaged, but the bourgeois sought above all the freedom .......... economic, ie the dismantling of the hereditary privileges of the nobility that prevented the growth of their economic interests. At first the bourgeoisie and the working class went hand in hand, the "sans culotte" (literally "without pants" for being poor) were instrumental in supporting the Jacobin face the pressure of European monarchical powers and counter-revolutionaries . But as said Liberalism soon to crack down on this new labor force, born of the emerging industrial revolution. For the first time the popular classes appear as a new element in political disputes. End Napoleon Bonaparte appeared as the savior of the Revolution, and although the end is proclaimed Emperor, the liberal revolution spread across Europe.
The Revolutions of 1830 and 1848
The defeat of Napoleon in 1815 returned to Europe a new period of reactionary repression. It created a "Holy Alliance" between the monarchical powers, especially Austria, Russia and the new France of the restored Bourbons, all under the watchful eye of England.
At first it was an anti-liberal reaction, as they were removing constitutional and economic reforms, and the church was returned much of its old power. However, the economic engine remained the bourgeoisie, who could not stand what was excluded from political life. As a result of this process in 1830 was in Europe a new "revolutionary fever", this time the Republicans were united workers and students in France that led the weight of the Revolution of 1830. In the struggles between Parliament (elected by census tracts) and the King to maintain the privilege of the aristocracy, she bent quickly by the first, bourgeois landowners. Charles X fled and established a constitutional monarchy with Luis Felipe de Orleans, but was increased voter registration (as owned assets) classes soon and smallholders were disappointed at their exclusion from political life.
The next twenty years were a golden age of the big bourgeoisie, and dramatically increased the accumulation of capital at the same time the growing industrial unstoppable. So while the national income rose consistently liberal countries, the working class received a small part of this cake.
soon became clear that social problems were solved not only in the West but increasing, this is joined the emerging nationalism of Central and Eastern Europe which resulted in a new revolutionary wave in Europe in 1848.
never the Old Continent had undergone a revolution as universal as in 1848, only England and the Russian Empire were saved from the revolutionary turmoil. However, the movements in each region or country were independent of each other, although they overlapped in ideals are not together and soon were defeated in a very strong military repression, including the strengthening the more conservative tendencies of the bourgeois-capitalist.
In France there was the revolution called "February" 1848. Again increasing disputes between monarchy Census and reformers led to the flight of Louis Philippe and the proclamation of the Republic. This was possible through the power acquired by "Radical" (Social Republicans), Republican and emerging bourgeois socialists. Highlighted in this revolutionary era of Louis Blanc creation of the National Workshops, a form of government factories to provide work for the great mass of unemployed in the capitalist crisis of 1847. You introduced universal male suffrage for the formation of the Constituent Assembly. However, this progress was contradictory because it proved one of the major problems in France since 1792, the difference between employees and radicals of Paris and the rest of the country, provincial and rural bourgeoisie conservatives, all they had no common element and managed provinces majority.
In June it was clear the removal of the Assembly of the Social Republic, the workers of the National Workshops revolted. For three days the streets of Paris were a battleground in which the Assembly eventually prevailed bourgeois and his loyal army. The resulting 10,000 deaths and 11,000 deported to the colonies.
These facts are of great importance since it can be considered the first great struggle of classes. Workers from then confirmed his hatred of the bourgeoisie and its recognition that they should fight for their rights alone. The bourgeois and upper classes were in a panic, dominated by a feeling of terror caused by how close he was lifting popular success.
Napoleon III repression after the Republic was maintained at the irreconcilable positions of the royalist factions. Yet he chose to create a strong presidency, that addressed possible new revolutions. At the next election with universal male suffrage, was elected a certain Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of former Emperor and seen as an independent character and a certain social aspect. The Second French Republic was ruled by anti-republican really, reactionaries saw Louis Napoleon as a brake to the Socialists, while Republicans and the common people saw him as a reactionary brake on Monarchists and large landowners. This confidence meant that in 1851 self-proclaimed Emperor Napoleon III, creating a government in which he stated that he was above classes.
The early years of his reign were of great economic expansion, also worldwide, this led to the emergence of large corporations, especially railroads, where many people got rich. In return the Emperor-Dictator established laws of social nature, such as the legalization of trade unions and even the right to strike. These contradictions made that ultimately created a lot of opposition from all sides, but were never strong enough to overthrow him.
the end he destroyed Napoleon III was the war against Prussia. From 1851 to 1870 France went to war several times (Russia, Austria, Italy, Mexico ....) by its desire to demonstrate the new power of France. But in 1870 declared war on Prussia William I and Bismarck, with the intention of creating a German Empire and the possible ascension to the throne of Spain of a Germanic king, which would leave France surrounded by enemies.
The war was a disaster for the French. In the Battle of Sedan, virtually the entire French army was taken prisoner by the Prussians, including the Emperor. France was partly occupied by the Prussians who remained at the gates of Paris, declaring the creation of the German Empire in Versailles itself. France was left without a government, which led to the events of the Paris Commune.
The Paris Commune 1871
In October 1870 he began producing events in Paris to continue the war against the Prussians. Fearing new proletarian riots, the ruling classes (both monarchical and republican bourgeoisie) formed a government that negotiated an armistice with the Prussians, also moved to Versailles to prevent the people of Paris. Also elections should be organized to create of a new National Assembly.
besieged Paris in this surrender was seen as a betrayal of the proletariat, which begins to ask the Commune, it is with weapons stockpile and organized resistance. In the rest of France, however, these events caused by the proletariat and petty bourgeoisie of Paris were seen as another attempt at revolution, as in 1848. This resulted in the February 1871 elections the monarchists and conservatives were mostly against a few members of the Left (Radical Republicans and Socialists). The new assembly does not recognize the new Republic proclaimed in September and elected Thiers, a political conservative, as head of Government to trigger the counter to the growing support for the Commune.

His first action was to try to disarm the population of Paris, to which Bismarck pact with the return of prisoners of war for repression. Against this attempt to the people of Paris, near the National Guard's rebellious government, they face even had the chance to take Versailles. However
chose moderation, subsequently heavily criticized, and even in the city were allowed free mobility of conservative groups, press freedom monarchy and all you could think Paris was a city open. France dominated by Thiers, however, was characterized by repression of any supporter of the Commune and of course, by an absolute police.
On March 26, 1871 free elections were held in the city and officially proclaimed the Commune of Paris, inviting other cities to follow suit and fight Thiers, his call was not answered at the lack of communications with the abroad. In this election were chosen all sorts of ideas and people, anarchists, Blanquists proudonistas, Socialists of the First International, and there were even representatives of the bourgeois neighborhoods later withdrawn and run.
Being the "I ª Socialist Revolution" is not the predominance certain members of socialist, but by the initiative of creating a political-administrative organization, set up almost spontaneously, with the union of all ideologies represented.
The Organization of the Commune.
soon saw that it was impossible to exploit the old administrative framework inherited from the Empire of Napoleon III, to which pressure joined the site to the city and the destruction of much of the industry in the war against the Prussians.
The lead agency was the "Council of the Commune", coordinated by an "Executive Committee", with legislative and executive powers. Thus were created the same "Commissions" (Army, Public Health, Labor, Justice policy .....) they applied for their activity, but always responded to the Council. Also reorganized the Justice, which happens to be free, and the judges would be elected by vote.
One of the first acts of the Commune was to dissolve the regular army (glimpse of aristocratic order) and replace the Democratic National Guard, that is all over town. Another decision, very surprising, was the respect for private property of those who stayed, expropriating only those who fled, the big landowners. And even more surprised never used the deposits of the Bank of France, not only money but also the possible political use of it, with which the bourgeoisie would have forced Thiers to agree with the villagers.
Despite the military siege, the Commune early investments in the execution of public works, with the creation of mail and a healthcare system that would guarantee the people's health and National Guard troops in combat. Small industrial
were respected even in a new industrial relations framework in which the worker had his rights. It forbade night work and health policies were adopted. Rents began to be controlled by the municipality, setting a ceiling. As an example, members of the government put a salary equal to the average salary of workers, having banned the accumulation and use their own charges.
The secular education became free and compulsory. Passed curricula to be done by the teachers themselves, which guaranteed the scientific disciplines. It also created a Professional Training where workers gave free practice for students. Nurseries were established to care for the children of women workers. Also in the field of education stressed the Republican Association of Schools for the purpose universities to create an incentive based on scientific knowledge.
In the world of art and displayed a lot of cultural associations for the promotion of theater and libraries.
A major feature of the Commune was the Liberty. Of it could benefit everyone, including supporters of the government of Versailles. There was freedom of press, assembly and association.
was decreed that the arrests should be by court order, and the prisoners had all their rights guaranteed, including the punishment was strong for cases of wrongful arrests. Freedom of association did appear to many groups and "clubs" of all ideologies, which could be expressed freely.
This freedom made the reactionary move freely around the city, often causing sabotage. Only at the end, when the situation became difficult, they began to arrest the saboteurs and anyone who resisted by force, yet throughout the borough no more than a hundred people died at the hands of the Commune (saboteurs, spies and a bishop), data completely insignificant compared to the subsequent repression.
The Counter and repression. Fearing
Bismark itself to the phenomenon of the Commune infect the rest Europe, Thiers returned to the troops that still remained on hold, for the elimination of the commoners. Thus the May 21, 1871 an army of 180,000 men take to the conquest of Paris street by street. The defense was held on barricades, which fought both men and women. The struggle was unequal to the military might of the regular army, but the villagers fought until death. The battle lasted one week, until 28 May when the last barricade falls defended by a single community member by the death of his companions.
As expected, the repression was brutal. Since the early days were daily shootings (including women and children) a simple complaint unfounded value to be sent to the wall. Not only were the Communards, but many took the opportunity to denounce bourgeois fled their rivals and creditors.
An estimated 30,000 workers and supporters of the Commune were shot, which should add about 40,000 people sent to the colonies, with hard labor, where most died of disease. This repression almost succeeded in eliminating the labor movement in France, until Thiers himself, enjoying his victory even said that "Socialism has been removed for a long time."
fighting on the barricades of Paris
Conclusions and visions critical.
Although the Socialists of the First International had no role, authoritarian governments and European bourgeoisie soon take responsibility for everything that happened. With this excuse in the labor movement was strongly pursued for some time.
However, the Commune was not only criticized by the conservative-bourgeois, which is somewhat normal, but received much criticism from different revolutionary visions of the time. Marx and Engels str
, but always admired the courage of the villagers, they thought it was still giving the historical and economic conditions for developing a socialist revolution. They also criticized organizational weakness, often due to ideological diversity, which meant that in the decisive moments no decisions were made quickly and correctly.
Anarchism on the other hand was in principle welcomed the Commune, it is somewhat like Bakunin believed that come the revolution, had also represented several anarchists in the movement. But they soon saw that did not conform to their way of organizing. The Commune, they said, fell short because the state was not abolished, and organized "form Jacobin" to maintain a representative government. The most critical was the anarchist thinker Peter Kropotkin, "did not break with tradition the state, representative government, and not try to achieve within the Commune that organization from the simple to the complex that was opened by proclaiming the independence and free federation of communes. " Both ideologies
excess criticized "liberals" who took Thiers to overthrow the movement without embardo, in my opinion, this was due to "humanism" and respect for human beings, who wanted to be a model for future generations, perhaps thought too pacifist for its time, but no less commendable. From my point of view the biggest mistake was not to control the Bank of France and all its reserves, which not only Thiers did not use it to finance his army managed by officials who drew the money hidden from the Bank.
Not everything was a mess, although Thiers and the rulers of the time thought that with the defeat of the Commune had always controlled the proletariat. Bismarck was able to see the large social gaps through which most of the working population revolted. Thus to avoid similar cases in the new German Empire (Reich II), were set basic levels of social assistance, with maximum working hours and social insurance in case of accidents and retirement. This was the beginning of what later became "the welfare state."
In France, union of interests between the conservative-aristocratic and bourgeois definitely tipped the balance for the Republic (The Third Republic). They thought that this was the best system for controlling the state, there will never be Emperors and Kings in France.
this revolutionary movement in general was an example for the working class, showing that it could take the power to create a more just, equal and fraternal, which we call solidarity. Even the "excess" of freedom, much-criticized, it remains an example of trying to make a new world that was not based on repression they had suffered in their lives. Anecdotally
comment that was a Communard who symbolized the red flag of socialism and the famous song from the International.
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