Well, no question of suicide, because suicide does not solve problems for those who remain alive, so that now, at least half of Peruvians must choose between two options that we had ruled out: Ollanta Humala and Keiko Fujimori. Some friends of mine have decided to invalidate his vote, because they reject both candidates equally. That's a respectable decision from the standpoint of individual and moral, but no collective-effective and practical it does not always equal vote to vote for the winner, and you give up to do something, even as minimal as representing a single vote, to prevent it.
I think it's best to choose, with an effort of rationality and accepting the thesis of Sartrean engagement, whereby there is always a preferable option to the other, although this choice inevitably involves a risk and the possibility of error.
I have no doubt that President elect Keiko Fujimori of Peru to be the most serious mistake that could make the people of Peru. Tantamount to legitimizing the worst dictatorship that we have experienced throughout our republican history. Alberto Fujimori it was just a murderer and thief ruling as the court established that, in a process model, was sentenced to 25 years in prison. (According to the Office, only have repatriated some 184 million dollars at least 6,000 that is swiped during his rule from public coffers). He was also a traitor to the constitutional law allowed him access to power in a legitimate election, giving the coup that ended democracy in Peru on April 5, 1992. Keiko Fujimori has claimed that embarrassing fact and its environment is plagued by staff of the dictatorship. As you have found the media, the very ex dictator has coordinated the presidential campaign of his daughter from his golden prison.
The Peruvian people can not have forgotten what they meant those eight years that Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos carried out a systematic looting of public resources, corruption that spread through all the mechanisms and institutions of power in the most absolute impunity, trafficking weapons, drugs, the way politicians, entrepreneurs, managers of television channels, were sold to the dictatorship of bags and bundles of notes, scenes of scandal that have been recorded in the videos that Montesinos himself clearly recorded for blackmail his accomplices.
Nor can forget the countless crimes, disappearances, torture, extrajudicial executions and all sorts of violations of human rights of peasants, students, trade unionists, that marked the years of horror, and against the Peruvian people reacted, in the late nineties, when, with demonstrations like the March of the Four, managed to defeat the dictatorship and restore freedom to Peru. It is possible that in so few years in memory of Peruvians have deleted this historical disgrace and a majority now decides their vote to open the prisons and tens of thieves and murderers of the dictatorship go back to govern Peru . All that remains of worth in the country should stop, using the resource civilized amphoras, such a shame for our country.
vote for Ollanta Humalaa risk for all those who defend the culture of freedom, I know very well. His former sympathy for catastrophic policies of the dictatorship of General Velasco and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez justified suspicion that his rise to power could mean a wave of nationalizations that repelled sink our industries and businesses and investors in recent 10 years, have contributed decisively to the remarkable growth of our economy, creating many thousands of jobs to poverty reduction over 50% to one third of the population and the good image that Peru has earned abroad. It is also legitimate concern that those ancient sympathies to induce his government to disappear once again in our history, freedom of press in the country.
However, the truth is that Ollanta Humala in this campaign has conspicuously moderate political message, ensuring that they have separated Chavez authoritarian model and identified with Brazil's Lula. Moreover, this campaign has had advisors close to the Brazilian Workers Party. Now says it will respect private property, which will not promote nationalization, which will not cut the independence of the press and foreign investment and is willing to give up the idea of \u200b\u200ba Constituent Assembly (as did Chavez in Venezuela) to replace the current Constitution which prohibits reelection.
Are these genuine conviction of someone who has evolved from extremism ideologically to the positions of the democratic left in Latin America that embody a Ricardo Lagos in Chile, a José Mujica in Uruguay, and Lula in Brazil Dilma Rousseff, or a Mauricio Funes in El Salvador? Or is it merely a tactical position to win an election, as Ollanta Humala knows expire only in the second round if a major sector of the Peruvian middle class vote for him? I think the answer to this question asked by many Peruvians today voted by Castaneda, Toledo and Kuczynski, not so much about the secret intentions to have the candidate in the depths of his conscience, but the voters themselves who choose to support and how to do so.
This support can not be an abdication, but a demanding and critical support to Ollanta Humala, so that gives us evidence of its identification with democracy and market economic policies without which Peru would be in a crisis and impoverishment that would condemn the failure of all programs of redistribution and poverty reduction set out in the plan of government of Ghana Peru. For those programs are successful it is essential that Peru will continue to grow as it has done in recent years, because if there is no wealth there is nothing to redistribute. Have understood that the Chilean socialists, Brazil, Uruguay and El Salvador and so, although call yourselves socialists, apply or have applied in government social policies (do not say liberals to not scare anyone, but if I left that word does not lie) . If Ollanta Humala continues in this direction that seems to have undertaken, the Peruvian democracy will be safe and will continue economic progress, together with enlightened social policies that will return confidence in the system who, feeling marginalized and frustrated by this development that reached them, they opted for the ends.
I write this article, much of voters for the party of Alejandro Toledo, Peru Posible, seems to have opted for this demanding and critical support to Ollanta Humala I propose. My hope is that the other democratic parties in Peru, such as Acción Popular, the Popular Christian Party and the APRA, which, with many thousands of independent, fought bravely to the Fujimori dictatorship and helped defeat it, join in this effort to avoid the return of a system and sowed debased politics of violence, crime and suffering to our country and to ensure that the arrival of Ollanta Humala to be strengthened and not destroy the democracy we recovered just 10 years ago.
© Mario Vargas Llosa, 2011.
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