These great minds have written millions of books on the subject. And in the end, nobody knows more than I do about the big questions about life.
read Socrates. This guy was abusing the little ones Greeks, what the hell have you teach me? And Nietzsche, with his theory of eternal recurrence. He said that the life we \u200b\u200blive, we will live in the same way forever. Great! It means I have to attend the ice skating again. Not worth it.
And Freud, another great pessimist. I did look for years and nothing happened. My Psychoanalyst became so frustrated that he finally opened a spot of salad.
Look at all these people running, trying to stop the inevitable decay of the body. It's so sad about what people spend, with stationary bikes and exercise. Look
it. Poor thing. Have to carry with all that fat. Should be carried in a wheelbarrow.
Perhaps poets are right. Maybe love is the only answer.
read Socrates. This guy was abusing the little ones Greeks, what the hell have you teach me? And Nietzsche, with his theory of eternal recurrence. He said that the life we \u200b\u200blive, we will live in the same way forever. Great! It means I have to attend the ice skating again. Not worth it.
And Freud, another great pessimist. I did look for years and nothing happened. My Psychoanalyst became so frustrated that he finally opened a spot of salad.
Look at all these people running, trying to stop the inevitable decay of the body. It's so sad about what people spend, with stationary bikes and exercise. Look
it. Poor thing. Have to carry with all that fat. Should be carried in a wheelbarrow.
Perhaps poets are right. Maybe love is the only answer.

-Must have something to believe ... or if not, life is meaningless.
- But why you decided to choose Catholicism?
"First of all, because it is a beautiful religion and a religion is strong. Is very well structured. 'm sure speaking out against school prayer, pro-abortion, anti-nuclear wing.
- Do not believe in God now?
"No, and I want to. I'm ready for anything: to paint Easter eggs. I need evidence. I have proof. If I can not believe in God then it is not worth living .

- Are not you afraid of dying?
- Why should I be afraid?
- Because will not exist!
- So what?
- Do not you dread it?
- Who thinks about such nonsense? When I die, I'll be dead.
- Are not you afraid?
- What? I'll be unconscious.
- But never exist again?
- How do you know?
- I see no future.
Woody Allen, Hannah and Her Sisters (1986).
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