Saturday, May 7, 2011

Problem With Windows License 80004005

The moment of truth

Although I am not a believer, I have many Catholic friends, priests and laity, and a great respect for those trying to live according to their religious convictions. Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, arzobispo de Lima, en cambio, me parece representar la peor tradición de la Iglesia, la autoritaria y oscurantista, la del Index, Torquemada, la Inquisición y las parrillas para el hereje y el apóstata, y su reciente autodefensa, Los irrenunciables derechos humanos, publicada el 1 de mayo en Lima, justifica todas las críticas que en nombre de la democracia y los derechos humanos recibe con frecuencia y, principalmente, de los sectores católicos más liberales.

En su texto, desmiente que dijera jamás que "los derechos humanos son una cojudez" (palabrota peruana equivalente a la española gilipollez) y afirma que, en realidad, a quien aplicó tal rudeness was only to the Coordinator of Human Rights, an institution run by a former English nun, Pilar Coll, during the years of mass killings committed by the Fujimori dictatorship carried out an admirable campaign denouncing the crimes, torture and disappearances that were committed under the pretext of the fight against Sendero Luminoso. (The Truth Commission, chaired by the former rector of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Solomon Lerner, has documented these atrocities).

Cardinal Cipriani denies further that during the dictatorship had kept silent about one of the groups most heinous crimes committed by Fujimori and his accomplices: sterilization, by deception, some 300,000 farmers, to which the orders of the dictator, the Health Ministry teams tubal sterilization, or castrated, assuring that it was a simple vaccine or as only temporarily prevent them from conceiving. How come nobody learned in Peru that the archbishop had found objectionable to these abuses? Because instead of protesting publicly simply do it in private, that is, quietly whispering their protest at the pinna of the dictator!

Cardinal is not usually so discreet when it comes to protest against condoms and not to mention abortion, or, for that matter, against who in this second round of elections in Peru support for Ollanta Humala. For example, for having done it, so I was warned loud and all the way from the pulpit of the Cathedral of Lima, for a trade. He has asked me "more seriously" and has claimed that how dare I give advice on who to vote for the Peruvians. The cardinal is nervous and forget that there is still freedom in Peru and that any citizen can comment on policy without asking him or anyone else. (Of course things will change if elected Mrs. Fujimori, the candidate for whom he blessed in that same office in which I forbade say).

not only the Archbishop of Lima is exceeded in these days of campaigning and dirty war in Peru. An openly Fujimori, also of Opus Dei, like Bishop Cipriani, Martha Chavez, the president has publicly threatened the judiciary, Dr. César San Martín, an eminent jurist who presided over the court that sentenced to 25 years in prison for Fujimori for crimes against human rights, with the prophetic phrase: "It will respond in due course."

But perhaps most disturbing are the attempts to purge the media, mainly television, independent journalists and honest, who resist becoming propagandists for the candidacy of the former dictator's daughter. The most famous case was that of Patricia Montero, general production, and Jose Jara, a news producer, both of Canal N, dismissed, denounced as the first of them, because managers felt they had "humanized" the candidate Humala in newsletters ("claimed that animalize, rather?). These layoffs have caused a real storm of criticism, including from the most prestigious journalists Canal N itself in defense of his colleagues, and threats of mass resignations if the witch hunt continues. This seems to be paralyzed by the time the dismissal the prestigious and experienced journalist from Channel 4, Laura Gates, who was also criticized, apparently, suffer from total inability to servility.

Finally, a report published on Wednesday 4 May in the journal First, led by César Lévano , states that the government, supported by mining companies would have charged the state intelligence services a Plan Shroud intended to destroy the campaign of Ollanta Humala with delinquent-eavesdropping methods, slanderous and outrageous operations leaked to the press to undermine their prestige and their family environment using mercenaries and provocative, with that in 1990, the government conspired against me when I was a candidate for the presidency. The complaint comes, apparently, military and civilian intelligence service outraged that they are used for political purposes outside their specific mission.

All this deserves reflection. If these things start to happen now, during the election campaign, is not easy to imagine what would happen if Mrs. Fujimori won the election and fuji-Montesinos dictatorship to regain the power surge and sacrament by the votes of the Peruvian ? Decent and responsible journalists expelled from their positions would not be five (also dismissed three of Radio Leader Arequipa), but dozens, and radios, channels and newspapers converted, as they were during the eight years of shame experienced by Peru, in charge of propaganda organs justify all the injustices and power trades and cover for injuries and slander its critics. Not only Dr. César San Martín was the victim of his honesty and integrity teachers. Entire judiciary would be once again subjected to a relentless sieve to remove from office, or to reduce the total ineffectiveness, the judges who resisted as mere docile instruments of government. Government departments, armed forces, private companies would, again, authoritarian system built so that, again, the entire country remain at the mercy of the handful of outlaws who, between 1990 and 2000, carried out the most spectacular looting of public coffers and the most horrendous human rights crimes in our history .

Those who want such a future for Peru are not many, but they are powerful and, as they are frightened by the prospect of Humala wins the election and the excesses and horrors committed by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, are willing to do anything to to ensure the triumph of Keiko Fujimori. Extraordinary paradox: so we can prevent socialism, fascism come. And all this on behalf of freedom, democracy and free market!

Indeed, the dilemma that faces Peru in elections next June 5, is to safeguard the imperfect political democracy that we have for 10 years and a policy of open market and the world that has grown our economy significantly, or return to a dictatorial regime, keeping certain institutional forms, reinstated in the government who, in collusion with Fujimori and Montesinos, destroyed the rule of law, enriched themselves by committing the most blatant and for eight years rogueries horrendous crimes perpetrated under the pretext of combating subversion. I believe in such a dilemma the worst option is Keiko Fujimori.

Ollanta Humala has made a "Commitment to the Peruvian People" should keep in mind that not only the time to vote for him, but especially once you enter the government, to remind him whenever he seems to depart from any their promises. There will be no re-election. Will comply with the treaties signed, there will be no nationalization, respect the right of ownership and Pension Fund Administrators (AFPs), the fight against corruption will be unrelenting, there will be a policy of sustained social support, especially in the fields of education and public health, for the most disadvantaged as well as incentives and facilities for business formalization. Respect for pluralism, independence of the press and the right of criticism will be complete. These points have been expressed also by word of mouth, at meetings held the candidate with the employers' confederation and the press associations. All this is perfectly compatible with democracy and market policies in force and tends to improve it, not cut them much less eliminate them. Not only depends on the willingness of Ollanta Humala that this commitment is fulfilled. Depends, above all, those who favor the election of June 5 is to make it clear that these policies to which we support and we will stand firm demanding their compliance.
© Mario Vargas Llosa, 2011.

Cipriani and Fujimori ... Apocalypse Now.
" Human rights are a lunacy," says one and the other nods, smiling.


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